Chapter 3

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It was the Halloween Dance.

Ella stood with Demetri and Eli, all three of them were in their costumes. Eli was a plastic surgeon, Demetri was some fantasy guy and Ella was Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. The trio stood not too far from the snack table, Ella held some punch on her hands as she chugged it. Miguel walked over to them, he was in the classic skeleton costume. Ella smiled at him in greeting, wiping some of her drink off of her face.

"Nice skeleton costume," Demetri stated and Miguel smiled slightly.

"Thank you. I like your sorcerer costume." Demetri looked at Miguel as if he just said the most offensive thing on earth, which caused Ella to giggle a little bit, knowing where this was going.

"Sorcerer?," Demetri scoffed, "Please. I'm a necromancer. Didn't you see the amulet?" Demetri chested to the jewelry he wore. Miguel just shook his head in surrender before he looked at Eli.

"So are you like a regular doctor or –"

"Plastic surgeon. I fix lips." Miguel nodded and then turned to Ella who was fiddling with one of her rings again but looked up when she noticed Miguel was asking her something.

"Sorry, can you repeat that?," Ella questioned, she hadn't heard what her new friend said the first time and wanted to be able to answer his questions correctly without worrying if she accidentally gave the wrong answer.

"I asked who you're dressed as," Miguel repeated with a slight chuckle.

"Oh! I'm Spencer Reid from this show called Criminal Minds," Ella answered, and Miguel nodded, telling her that he would check it out when he could.

After about 10 minutes Ella left to go to the washroom. She walked down the hall, every now and then she passed a couple making out or taking their clothes off in random classrooms. She just looked away and moved on, she was stopped by someone.

"Hey, kid! Check out this cool website." Ella turned around with a confused look as a blond guy approached her, she furrowed her eyebrows, he looked familiar but she couldn't figure out why. The man handed her a flier and she slowly took it, looking at what it said. "W-W-W, period, Cobra Kai, period, C-O-M. All lowercase."


"What do you think you're doing?," Daniel's voice called and both the strange man and Ella looked over, Ella walked over to her dad and stood next to him, unsure of what was going on, Daniel took the flier out of his daughter's hands.

"Promoting my business. Why don't you try minding yours?," the other man snapped and Ella looked at her father.

"Dad, you know this man?"

"Minding mine?," Daniel scoffed, "Y... You know what? This is... this is ridiculous, ok? We can both be adults here, Ella, why don't you go back to the gym?" Ella nodded before she began to walk away.

"With pleasure."


Ella joined her friends at the snack table again but after a couple of minutes Demetri, Eli and Miguel all left for the washroom so it was just Ella then. She stood there with a smile, enjoying the music as she hummed quietly, tapping along to the beat on the cup she was holding. The song playing was In My Life by the Beatles.

The blonde heard her phone chime, she pulled it out and she checked the notification. When she opened it she felt her stomach drop. It was a video of Sam's old childhood friend, Aisha, the video basically making fun of her for eating. Ella immediately deleted the video from her phone. And shut it off.


The next morning Ella sat at the table and began to eat her breakfast, tired from the dance the night before, she wondered how Miguel was. According to Demetri and Eli they had run into Kyler and his buddies in the locker room when they were talking badly about Sam, but Demetri and Eli booked it and just left Miguel there. Ella wanted to go in and help but when she got there she saw the guy her dad was fighting with carrying Miguel out to take him home, before Ella could say anything Miguel reassured the girl that he knew who the man was. A guy called Johnny Lawrence, the guy was apparently Miguel's sensei.

"Hey, come on, Sam, you're missing out!," Daniel called, pulling Ella out of her thoughts as she looked at him.

"She's probably still pissed at you about last night. But don't feel bad, I hate Kyler as well," Ella said, hoping that she said the right thing. Daniel just gave the teen a smile and ruffled her hair. Sam had ranted to a very sleepy Ella all night about how Daniel embarrassed her in front of Kyler when he was 'just giving her a bracelet.' But before Ella could tell her the truth Sam just kept on going until Ella fell asleep.


Ella sat in the library with Demetri, Eli and Miguel. Ella was currently working on her homework for Macbeth that was due in about 2 hours, listening to the conversation between Demetri and Miguel after Miguel had told them his mom didn't want him doing any karate.

"So, that's it? No more karate?," Demetri questioned.

"I guess so," Miguel replied, not looking up from his paper as he wrote some class notes in them. Ella took the opportunity and looked at Demetri's answers for his Macbeth homework, copying what he had said for a couple of the questions.

"It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence," Demetri stated and Ella slapped the back of his head.

"Isn't that a good thing?," Ella defended.

"No. What has confidence gotten anybody besides a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash."

"Marketing, publicity, money," Ella listed, but before she could go on Demetri stopped her.

"I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler," Eli spoke up, his voice was quiet as usual.

"Are you insane?," Demetri hissed, "Let me ask you. What is the best superpower anyone could have?"

"Super strength," Miguel replied.

"Talking to animals," Ella chimed.

"Wrong, and wrong again. Its invisibility," Demetri corrected, "A distant second would be super speed to run away fast."

"Run away from who?," Kyler asked as he joined them, Miguel groaned in annoyance and Ella gritted her teeth. Hoping Kyler and his buddies would leave them alone. The small group of friends began to grab their stuff when Kyler and Brucks started having a small side conversation, but before they could get away Kyler grabbed Ella's wrist and she quickly yanked it away, holding to her chest, wincing slightly due to how harshly Kyler had grabbed her as the same guy grabbed Eli by the face. Ella stood next to Miguel

"Leave him alone, Kyler," Miguel interjected. Kyler let go of Eli's face and approached Miguel, Ella backed up slightly, becoming a bit panicked.

Kyler shoved Miguel, causing the boy to stumble backwards and knock Ella down. Migue quickly apologized to her and helped her up before the two of them left, Eli and Demetri running after them.

But what Ella had not realized was that her sister had seen everything, and was beginning to realize that Kyler was not truly what he said he was. 


Yes, I did make Ella a Criminal Minds fan :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember to drink water and charge your phone :)

Have a good day/night!

Word count: 1225

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