Chapter 7

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Before Robby left the house that night Ella ran over to him, she still had that familiar smile on her face but she held a medium sized envelope in her hands and she handed it to him. Robby gave her a confused glance but he took the envelope and opened it, he pulled out what looked like a ticket to a musical.

"So, as you may know now from what I talked about earlier, I am a part of this local theatre group and we are putting on the musical Mamma Mia. And my mom accidentally bought five tickets for the family instead of four, and she told me I could give it to someone that might want to go," Ella rambled, she seemed a bit nervous about what she was saying. "And I know that we have only known each other for like a day? I was wondering if you'd like to come and watch? You don't have to if you don't want to-" Ella's ramble was cut short by Robby's voice.

"I'd love to watch it, Ella," he told her and the blonde smiled, jumping up and down a little bit like a small kid who just got ice cream. She hugged Robby, he seemed taken aback by the girl's reaction but he hugged her back after a moment of just standing there, he pulled away before he left the house, saying goodbye to Sam, Daniel and Amanda.


The next day was just another regular morning, Chaos followed Ella downstairs for breakfast, the large dog walking next to her as he wagged his tail excitedly and Ella could not help but smile at that. Happy to have been able to give him a forever home.

Once Ella got to one of her classes, she began her practice test for P.S.A.T. She sighed to herself, trying her best to remember as much as she could, writing down what she thought would be the answer to the questions and trying to remember all of the equation formulas needed for the math questions.

And when the test was finally over Ella was the first one out of that door, walking to her locker she passed Sam and Miguel, she smiled and waved at them, the couple smiled and returned the gesture.


Ella walked into the kitchen to grab a snack, Sam happened to follow her since she was looking for Daniel, Amanda looked at the twins as Ella opened the cupboard, grabbing a packet of chips,

"Did you two get into a hit-and-run accident a few months back," Amanda questioned and Ella cringed at the memory. When Ella had come back with only one shoe, she had to hide the one shoe she still had in her closet in order for her parents to not question it.

When Amanda saw her daughter's reactions to the question she immediately knew that the answer was yes. "Oh my God."

"It wasn't me who was driving. I swear it was Yasmine," Sam said, hoping to smooth things over.

"I don't care who was driving.You should have told us this. Both of you," Amanda argued, "I mean, do the two of you have any idea about the kind of trouble you two have caused?"

"We're sorry," Ella said under her breath, not meeting her mother's eyes as she slowly put the chip packet back.

"Sorry's just not going to cut it. I... I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're both grounded. Gimme your phones." Sam and Ella sighed as they handed their mom their electronics before leaving the kitchen


Ella ended up tagging along with Sam to drive Robby home, she decided to let Chaos come with as well, the large dog ran towards Sam's car and sat down next to it the second the door to the house opened. Ella smiled a bit, walking with Robby and her sister. Robby stopped limping a few seconds later, Ella gave him a confused glance, taking a moment before she caught onto what was happening.

Instead of driving Robby home, the trio went to a party at the Canyon. Chaos jumped into the front passenger seat, calling shot-gun before everyone else climbed into the car and drove off in the direction of the Canyon.

Once the car parked the trio climbed out of the car along with Chaos, who wagged his tail excitedly at the sight of how many people there were. Ella clipped a leash onto his collar before walking down the small hill and towards the party, a few people came over to say hi and pet Chaos.

Miguel suddenly shoved Robby to the ground and Ella lost her grip and Chaos's leash as the large dog jumped over and stood in front of Robby in a protective demeanor, growling loudly as Ella ran over to her friend and her sister. Robby got to his feet, gently pushing Chaos out of the way as he glared at Miguel.

"You want to try that again?," he threatened.

Miguel threw a punch at Robby but Sam was in the way and he hit her instead, she fell to the ground and Ella rushed over to help Sam, Miguel did the same but Chaos jumped at him, barking a warning. Miguel stepped back as he watched Robby and Ella help Sam to her feet.

"My Dad was right about Cobra Kai," Sam said, tears forming in her eyes. "Good luck at the tournament. I won't be there." Sam walked off with Ella following behind her, trying to comfort her as best as she could. Robby and Chaos stood there for a moment, both of them glaring at Miguel before the followed Sam and Ella.

Chaos picked up the blanket Sam had dropped in his mouth and ran up the hill to try and give it to her.


A few days later

Tonight was the night.

Ella was going to be performing Mamma Mia with her local theatre group for the last time before the show closes. Ella had been cast as Sophie, her parents had bought tickets for that night so she knew both her parents and siblings would be in the audience.

She was incredibly excited but heartbroken at the same time, closing night was always a rollercoaster of emotions for all the cast members. But this year's closing night would be the hardest one for Ella. She had become incredibly close friends with one of the seniors, Jessie, which meant this show would be the last one they do together before Jessie graduates from highschool and moves across the country to study. Jessie also happened to have been casted as Donna, which meant the two friends would be singing Slipping Through My Fingers together.


By the time curtain call had begun Ella was sobbing as she hugged Jessie when the two of them bowed in front of the audience, Jessie was crying as well, neither one of them wanted to let go of the hug.

When everyone was dismissed Ella ran into the lobby to find her family and when he did everyone hugged her, except for Anthony. Everyone kept telling her how amazing she had done and how proud they were of her. Ella smiled through her tears as she hugged Sam, Sam rubbed her back comfortingly, also telling her that she loved the show and that she was proud of Ella.


So my theatre group closed our most recent show last night and I'm going through theatre withdrawal lmao, I cried way too much for my liking last night. But that show is something I will FOREVER hold near and dear to my heart, so many fun memories were made in the making of that show.

Anyway, you guys should follow my tiktok, my @ is: _phantom._.editz2

I basically post edits for both this fic and my other TUA fic and sometimes generic edits for movies or TV shows :)

Word Count: 1295

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