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" Two birds on a wire
One says 'cmon' and
the other says 'I'm tired' "
— Regina Spektor

CHAPTER XII" Two birds on a wireOne says 'cmon' and the other says 'I'm tired' "— Regina Spektor

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NARNIA BECAME VEXED BY THE mere presence of Jadis. They watched in irritation and fear, as she was guided to the perked rock. The army of Aslan stood to the side, bested to try and hold back their emotions, while a few others could only speak ill to the woman.

"Go away, Witch!"
"You don't belong here!"
"Go away!"

As Jadis sat and was carried on an open palanquin, with ogres on each side, her henchman shouts, "At ease. Jadic, the Queen of Narnia! Empress of the Lone Islands!"

Aslan stood at his high rock, growling as she stared down at him with hate in her eyes. Truthfully, no one had really seen Aslan hold such ill will against another being.

Suddenly, most of the shouts and cries stopped in seeing a large dragon fly down behind Aslan. Jadis hid her gulp when her attention was spied on the massive beast.

Aurora held back a roar, narrowing her eyes to the woman; the exact woman who killed her dragon daughter, the Dragon of Fire and ride of King Ryder — Tarsa.

The Sun Dragon craned her neck away, showing Celestine Targaryen walking beside Aslan.

The girl's face was emotionless, her violet eyes held no sense of reaction.
Her gold crown was worn highly, as she wore her house colors of red and black. Three braids were worn on her head, signifying the battles she had conquered.

As Jadis was being let down from her transport, she observed Celestine. She looked a bit like her aunt, but the resemblance to her father was uncanny.

The Pevensie siblings came into the scene. They watched in shock and horror of seeing Jadis, in person.
She was a very tall woman, with icy white hair that held an ice crown. Her skin was pale white to match the snow and her dress.

Edmund's face held fear, as his healed cuts and bruises just seemed to hurt again. He couldn't believe Jadis would have the courage to face Aslan and his army, on their territory.

Peter held his brother's shoulder as his eyes laid on Celestine. She didn't dare look at Peter, her eyes were glued to the ice queen. He prayed that Celestine wouldn't do anything to put herself in danger.

Jadis walked toward the two leaders, eyeing Edmund as she passed him.
She speaks, "You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan." People murmured to the truth of Edmund.

"His offense was not against you," reminds the lion.

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built——"

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐊 ☁︎ 𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑷𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒆Where stories live. Discover now