My Feelings

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Sorry it's been a while, I've just been soooo busy. Ya know, with homework and all. STUPID school!

And, My life has been kinda suckish, you guyzz aren't helping... Please share my story if you are reading this!! I will love you forever if you do!



"... Maybe." I reply, looking down at my poorly covered body.

"Oh my fudge cakes!!!!" Olivia screams, with a smile wide accross her face.

After Olivia screams, a very scared Conor runs frantically into the room.

"What? Who died? Was it Kaitlin?!" Conor asks, not even bothering to look at me.

"Oh my god! What did I do to have the person I truely love die?!?!" he asked, starting to cry.

"Conor! It's okay! I'm not dead! I'm right here!" I yelled trying the best I could with my arms strapped down on the bed.

"Oh, and did you say that I am the person, you are truly in love with?" I asked, my heart rising up to my throat. I know I'm over him but, just the thought of someone loving a completely unstable person like me, is nice to know.

"Umm..." Conor says, looking up and down, trying to think of a response. "No? I was talking about... Kim Kardashian. You know, I heard she was getting plastic surgery. AGAIN." He said, while shaking his head.

"LLN!" I scream, while laghing so hard that I'm pretty sure my face is red.

"What the hell does 'LLN' mean?" Conor asked.

Olivia sobered up enough to answer his question; " LLN means..." she started,

"Laugh Like Niall, Duh!" Olivia and I say at the same time.

"What??" Conor asked, still confused.

"It's a Directioner thang." I told Conor.

"Oh..." Conor said, FINALLY understanding.

"Guyysssssss." I say, dragging out the 's'.

"Whaaaaattttt." they said, mimiking me.

"I'm borrred." I state.

"Okay." Via says.

"Twilight marathon?" I asked hpoefully.

The answer I got was.... A YES!


"How the hell are you team Jacob! I can't even look at you!" I yell at Via and Conor. How could they betray Edward!

"'Cause Jacob is a hot piece of shiz and he is the full package!" Via yelled at me.

"And Conor? Why Jacob? Edward and Bella are meant to be together!" I yelled. I am so into this. I could go on for ages!

"Well Jacob is hott and he is the whole package. He should be with Bella! And if I were a girl, I'd tap dat." He says, his voice getting higher at the end.

I giggle. I just cannot believe that my life is mostly normal, besides the fact that I am in a hospital for cutting.

I just cannot believe that I am sitting here, with my two childhood best friends.

Yes I know that Olivia and I aren't the best of friends but, it's better than it was a week ago.

"Besides the fact that you guys are Team J-J-Jacob," I say, while gagging, "I love you to death!" I tell them, while squeezing them with my FINALLY free hands. 

"Awww, we love you too!" They say, squeezing me back.


YAYYY!!!!! They are friendssss!!!!!!


1) How long do you think it's gonna last?

2) Favorite song?

My favorite song is Madhouse From Little Mix!! (I adore them!)

And you know who you are, if you are reading this, that song is soo going to be stuck in my head durring Science class. Dance Break! LLN! Good times, good times




PS:Imma call you kakesters cus I always say Kakes

PSS: this was kinda a filler. But I hope it made you laugh! It made Kyra ( Mah Twinsie! ) laugh!

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BYE BYE Kakesters

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