the Twins are here.Part 24

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Izaya- can believe they are hear at last we been waiting seven month to come into this world.

Shizuo- so you ready to tell are friends and family they are here.

Izaya- no not yet no friends or family yet let it just be sure you and i, Shinra and Celty and Psyche for now.

Shizuo- okay i like that just us and Uncle Shinra and Aunt Celty okay just the five of us.

Izaya- yes just us five for now no one else.

Just thing there was a knock on the door so Shizuo got up from beside Izaya and lay twin a in the Izaya arms so Shizuo when to the Answer the door when to open the door see it was Psyche and his friend Tsugaru and his mama.

Toddler Psyche- hi Daddy where is mama at.

Shizuo- hey bud Mama in the living room and we have a surpise for you and thank you for bring him home i would have gone and get him but we had Family emergncy am sorry about this.

Ayame Aoki- it fine Shizuo he was a good boy for me now Tsugaru we better get home.

Little Tsugaru- yes mama bye Mr Heiwajima bye Psyche.

Toddler Psyche- bye Tsugaru bye Mrs Aoki.

Shizuo- bye Tsugaru come on Psyche.

Psyche walk in the apartment Shizuo close the door help Psyche take of his backpack,coat and shoes off both walk in the living room see his mama on the floor with surpise in his mama arms.

Izaya- hi Psyche come and meet your little brothers.

Shizuo and Psyche walk over to Izaya knee beside his mama and Said to him.

Toddler Psyche- this is my surpise Mama and Daddy.

Shizuo- yes now meet your little brother.

that hour the family of three become family of five and love ever bit of it.

Shizuo - we are family of five and twins are hear at last.

Izaya- yes they are am so happy they are here i got thee cutes little boys now.

Shizuo and Izaya hand over the twins to Celty and Shinra Shizuo help Izaya off the floor he delivery the placenta and Izaya started to hurt lot now been pick up the floor.

Izaya- ow ow ow oh am hurting lot now from giving birth to the twins.

Shizuo- am sorry love am going to take you to our room so you can rest and both boys are going to be in the bassinet beside you on your side of the bed.

Shizuo pick up Izaya up careful walk to the hall when down the hall to the master bedroom with Shinra and Celty twin A in his arms and twin B in celty arms Psyche was right behind them going to his daddy and Mama room Shizuo walk in help Izaya changs in to a clean shirt and panties put in bed put the covers over him Shinra and celty lay both twins in the bassinet beside Izaya side of the bed Izaya back on his pillow Psyche walk over to the bassinet look at his little brother again Shizuo and Izaya look at Psyche and Izaya ask.

Izaya- are you going help mama with your brothers now since both are here.

Toddler Psyche- yes Mama i help you and Daddy with my little brothers but when am at school daddy have to help you.

Shizuo- now bud you have to remember your brothers are still little and they can't play with you yet.

Psyche- yes daddy.

Izaya- that my sweet boy.

Shinra- okay little man let go out so we can let your mama and brothers rest now.

Celty-[ yes your mama tried from bring your little brothers into this world .]

Shizuo- yes let go you have rest now Izaya come back check on you later okay.

Izaya- okay Shizuo and you guys.

so Izaya lay back on in the bed Shizuo pick up Psyche,Celty,Shinra Shizuo with Psyche in his arms the four of them walk out of the master bedroom walk back down the hallway to the living room/ kitchen Shinra started to clean and Celty was helping him Shizuo seat Psyche on the floor and said to them.

Shizuo-you guys you don't have to do that I can clean it up.

Celty- [ no let us help you and Izaya got your hands full now with three ones who just turn four on December 1th couple days ago.]

Shizuo- yes he did my baby growing up so fast right before my eyes.

Shinra- yes he is he now a big boy no longer a baby.

Celty-[ i know Izaya not going like that Psyche no longer a baby.]

Shizuo- okay let get back to cleaning this mess up.

Shinra- yes let them Celty and I been out of your hair so help Psyche with his homework get dinner started so you guys can get realy for bed.

Celty-[ yes we know we over staying are welcome here.]

Shizuo- no you didn't you was helping us bring are sons into the world.

next couple of hours Shizuo,Celty and Shinra had the apartment cleaning up and the dishfecting apartment to so the all of the apartment is clean from top to bottom ,Shinra pick uphis med bag both put on there shoes and said to them .

Shinra- okay you two we be head out now and come by tomorrow to see how Izaya is doing.

Celty-[ i come with him to help him out.]

Shizuo- okay tell Uncle Shinra and Aunt Celty bye bye and bye you two.

Psyche- bye Uncle Shinra and Aunt Celty.

Shinra- bye Shizuo bye bud .

Celty-[ bye Psyche bye Shizuo.]

Shinra- tell Izaya we say bye from us.

Shizuo- i will Shinra.

Shinra open the door Celty walk out with Shinra behind her Shizuo close the door turn around look at Psyche and said.

Shizuo- okay little man get your homework out and of your backpack and help you with it but first let me go check on your Mama and newborn brothers okay.

Psyche Heiwajima- okay daddy.

Shizuo- okay when i get back check on Mama and your brothers we can get on that homework then i can started on dinner for you and Mama and I.

Psyche Heiwajima- okay daddy i be right here waiting for you to you get back from check on Mama and my brothers.

Shizuo walk out of the living room/ kitchen into the hallway down the hall to the master bedtroom to check on Izaya and the twins Shizuo walk into master bedroom walk over to the bassinet see the twins was sound a sleep and Izaya was sound a sleep to Shizuo smile and kiss both his boys and Izaya on the head and walk out of the master bedroom walk back down the hall to the living room/ kitchen see Psyche sit at the table with his homework out wating for him Shizuo said to him self.

Shizuo- i never wont to lose this my family is my everything for long time it was just my brother and I now i have my own family to take care of.

so Shizuo walk over to the table to help his son then he going to get dinner but for now just him and Psyche homework out so Shizuo and Psyche started on his homework and Shizuo when to started on dinner for Psyche,Izaya and him self when Psyche had all his homework done Shizuo seat the table and had dinner on the table they ate there dinner so when dinner was done Shizuo got his bath puth his homework back in his backpack Psyche was now in bed a sleep Shizo lock the door turn out the lights when to bed him self get some sleep before crying start so he get ready for bed and got beside Izaya and felt a sleep to morning.

book 2   Izaya come back to Japan with PsycheWhere stories live. Discover now