Renhiro Sasuki Part 16

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June when and July came and Izaya is now two months pregnant with the twins and they still haven't toll Psyche so Shizuo was at work and Psyche was down for his nap Izaya waa in his office get ready to meet his ne Client name Reniro Sasuki to coming do he new to the info then Psyche came in to Izaya office he woke up from his nap look at his Mama and Izaya look up see Psyche and said.

Izaya- hey baby did you have good nap.

Toddler Psyche - yes Mama i did have a good nap.

Izaya- that good now can yu go play in your room please because mama has a client coming over he need some help so can you be good and stay in you room to he gone then we can go meet daddy for lunch would like that.

Toddler Psyche - yes mama i stay in my room to that man good and yay we go see daddy.

Izaya- that my little man run long to your room my Client will be here soon and after he leave we go see daddy.

Toddler Psyche- yes mama.

Psyche ran out of Izaya office back into his room then there was a knock on the door Izaay said.

Izaya-come in Mr Reniro Sasuki the door unlock.

Mr Reniro Sasuki walk into the apartment down the hall to Izaya office and said walking into the office and said.

Reniro Sasuki- you must be Izaya Orihara am i right.

Izaya- yes i am what can i do for you today Mr Reniro.

Mr Reniro Sasuki- i need info on my wife she hidden something from me and been going out when am at work and i like for you to find out what it is she hidden .

Izaya- sure then Mr Reniro Sasuki i have the info for you at theend of week but if i see your wife early i call you tomorrow or day after when i have your info for.

Mr Reniro Sasuki-i see you tomorrow or day after or at the end of the week and i will have your money when i get the info i need.

Izaya- okay Mr Reniro Sasuki i will see then.

Mr Reniro Sasuki walk out of Izaya office and out the door and Izaya when to work looking for Mr Reniro Sasuki wife so he look on Security cameras he need to go out and find her but he can't leave Psyche Izaya pick up his cellphone to call Shinra it started to ring and Shinra answer the phone.

Shinra on the phone with Izaya.

Shinra: hello Kishitni.

Izaya: hey Shinra it Me Izaya.

Shinra- hey Izaya you okay is there something wrong with the babies,is there something wrong with Psyche or you .

Izaya:no there nothing wrong with the twins, psyche or me but that not why am calling i need a favorite.

Shinra- sure what the favorite you need Izaya.

Izaya-i got a job to look for this client wife to see if she up something and i need to go out and look around and yes before you ask i be careful,so i was hoping you and Celty can watch Psyche for a hour or two.

Shinra: Okay you be careful and sure Celty and i would love to wath Psyche for you.

Izaya: oh thank you i bring over in 30 min Shinra oh second thought better making a hour.

Shinra:okay i see you two in a hour Izaya.

Izaya:see you in a hour Shinra.

Izaya got off the phone with Shinra got out of his desk chair walk around his desk walk out of the office down the hall to Psyche room walk in see Psyche playing Psyche look up from playing and Izaya look back at Psyche and said.

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