Shizuo and Izaya get Married with everyone Part 19

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 September when and October came and Izaya was now five month pregnant get to find out the ginger of the twins Izaya was get ready so was Shizuo it was his day off from work so both going to Shinra and Celty shizuo say.

Shizuo- Izaya are you ready to go see Shinra and Celty.

Izaya- yes am ready and am ready to go see Shinra and Celty and to find out what we are having now.

Shizuo- okay and am ready to find out the ginger of the twins to Izaya.

Izaya- i hope it they are boys and healthy to.

Shizuo- they are healthy because you are healthy to.

Izaya- Psyche are you ready baby let go before you are late for school.

Toddler Psyche- coming mama .

Psyche came out of his room ready for school Shizuo grab his backpack and Lunchbox hand to Psyche his backpack and Lunch box Izaya was going to knee down help Psyche put on his shoes on when Shizuo stop him and said.

Shizuo- no Izaya you don't need to knee down i can help Psyche put his shoes on for him.

Izaya- okay i go get my cellphone,wallet and keys then i can put on his coat and don't forget Psyche coat to Shizuo.

Shizuo- okay Izaya.

Shizuo help Psyche put his shoes and help him with his shoes on Izaya when to get his keys,wallet and put his cellphone put walk back to where Shizuo and Psyche is Izaya put his coat on put wallet and cellphone his his coat pocket and put on his coat on and put on shoes and said.

Izaya- okay let go so we are no late.

Shizuo- okay let head out.

the family of the three walk over to the door and Shizuo open the door Izaya and Psyche walk out the door with Shizuo behind Shizuo close the door behind him and lock it the three of them walk down the hall to the Elevator when they got to the Elevator Izaya push button for down they hear the Elevator came up and the door open Shizuo pick up Psyche Izaya and Shizuo  walk in the Elevator Shizuo push the down button Elevator doors close and ride the Elevator down and Psyche look at his mama and ask him.

Izaya- daddy and I are going to see Uncle Shinra to see how your twins Siblings are doing today and got to find out something to but it a surprie so you have to wait to daddy an i get to tell you when you get home from preschool today.

Shizuo- yes it a surprise for you when we get home from Preschool.

Toddler Psyche- okay Daddy.

Shizuo- okay.

when the Elevator came to a stop at the lobby the Elevator doors open the three of them walk of the Elevator walk out of the build down the sidewalk to the Psyche preschool walk down Izaya Shizuo walk in the floor and said.

Shizuo- okay little man we are here and there is Tsugaru Psyche.

Mrs Sugiyuma- hello Mr Heiwajima hello Psyche how are you today.

Toddler Psyche- hello and am good Mrs Sugiyuma.

Mrs Sugiyuma- that good now go put your backpack and your lunchbox in your cubby how are you and your partner doing .

Shizuo-he good he outside wating for me we are going to see are friends so i better be going Psyche you be good Mama and I see you later.

Toddler Psyche- bye Daddy.

Shizuo- bye bud.

Shizuo walk out of the classroom and out of the school build and look at Izaya and ask.

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