Izaya is pregnant again Part 12

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two weeks later Shizuo and Izaya was in bed asleep when Izaya woke up ever morning feeling nausea every morning.but this morning Izaya work up to the nausea feeling Shizuo was still a sleep Izaya sit up in bed had his hand on his stomach Izaya felt that acid taste Rising in his throat got out of bed ran into the bathroom turn on the light lyft seat throwing up his dinner from last night in the toilet back in the bedroom Shizuo turn over felt Izaya stop it was empty Shizuo woke and seat up and said.

Shizuo- Izaya where you at Izaya.

Shizuo hear Izaya in the bathroom throwing up in the toilet Shizuo got out of bed walk into the bathroom see Izaya on his knees bandover thetoilet Shizuo knee beside Izaya when look at Shizuo Izaya no puking look see Shizuo said.

Izaya-no get  out Shizuo i don't wont you to see me like this.

Shizuo-am stay right here with you Izaya you need me right now.

Izaya-oh my Swee...

Izaya throwing up again in the toilet and Shizuo rub his back Izaya throwing up what was left in his stomach Shizuo flush the toilet Izaya put the lid down seat on the toilet sit lid Shizuo got a wash rag wet it ring it out hand it to Izaya.

Shizuo- hear you go Izaya you okay now.

Izaya-thank you Shizuo and am okay now.

Shizuo-welcome Izaya.

Izaya took the wash rag clean his face Shizuo help Izaya off the toilet sit both walk back in the bedroom Shizuo was about to turn off the light when Izaya said to him.

Izaya-no leave it on i may have go back in there again.

Shizuo- okay leave the light on and am going to cheack on Psyche and bring you something that you can keep down now get back into bed and try get some rest and if you your not better in a week we are going to see Shinra.


Shizuo- good.

Izaya got back in bed put the covers over him Shizuo walk out of the master bedroom walk down the hall look in Psyche room see he was still a sleep Shizuo when to the living room/Kitchen to fix him Psyche and Izaya some breakfast.back in the bedroom when Izaya felt that acldic taste rasing in his throat again Izaya got out of bed ran back into the bathroom lyft seat up and throwing up again in the toilet.

Izaya-cough what wrong with me i haven't felt like since i was.

Izaya eyes wide and know why is sick it was morning sickness Izaya flush the toilet walk over to the meds cabinet open it and got out Pregnancy test open the box took the test put out of the wiper and got the test out of wiper got the test out took the lid off the test Izaya pull down his leggies and boxers down and pee on the stick put the lid back on the test sit on back of the toilet after he use the toilet flush and walk over to the sink wash his hands dry them put seat down and sit down and witing three mins when test said the word pregant Izaya smile and ran out of the bathroom out of the master bedroom into the living room/kitchen see Shizuo look up at Izaya Said.

Shizuo-Izaya what are you doing out of bed you sure be resting.

Izaya-Shizuo i know but i know what wrong with me.

Shizuo-you do what wrong babe.

Izaya walk over to Shizuo and show him the Pregnancy test Shizuo eyes wide and Izaya said.

Izaya walk over to Shizuo and show him the Pregnancy test Shizuo eyes wide and Izaya said

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