moving back to Ikebukuro Japan Part 2

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about week later Izaya send all his stuff back home to Ikebukuro Japan Psyche are on the plane back to japan Izaya and Psyche was sit in there seat on the plane with there seats belt on Psyche was watch a movie and Izaya watch Psyche was watch the movie around 1:00 in morning the plane landed in Ikebukuro japan,Izaya look at Psyche see he was a sleep so Izaya unbelt his seat belt then his arms walk out of the plane when to get his suitcase when Izaya got his suitcase walk phone out text Shinra.

Izaya text Shinra

Izaya:hey Shinra Psyche and i had land and we are head to your apartment now.

Izaya send the Shinra the text.

Shinra text Izaya back.

Shinra: Izaya welcome home and okay see you when you get here Izaya.

shinra send the Izaya the text back.

Izaya text back Shinra back.

Izaya: okay see you then Shinra.

Izaya send the text to Shinra.

Shinra text back to Izaya.

Shinra:okay later Izaya.

Shinra send the text to Izaya.

Izaya text Shinra back.

Izaya:okay later Shinra.

Izaya send the text to Shinra.

Izaya put his phone back in his coat when they got Shinra and Celty apartment taxi come to a stop Izaya pay they driver and got out of the taxi and Izaya got suitcase walk into the apartment build walk up the stairs to Celty and Shinra when got to the door and open it see Izaya and Psyche at the door and let them and Shinra said.

Shinra-hey you Izaya and Psyche how was the fly.

Izaya-hey Shinra it was good and Psyshe around a sleep so love to put him to bed please.

Shinra-sure man you guys are use the guestroom.

Izaya-thank you Shinra are both tried we are so ready for bed.

Shinra you welcome come on show you to the guestroom.


Shinra took Izaya and Sleepy little Psyche to the guestroom to rest Izaya seat there suitcase down on the floor Izaya lay Psyche in the bed put the covers over Psyche, Shinra walk out of the guestroom so Izaya can get ready for bed him and Shinra walk out of the door close it behind him and Celty walk out of her room and ask on her Pda.

Celty-[ Izaya and Psyche are i when they get here.]

Shinra- yes they came in Psyche came in Psyche asleep and Izaya getting ready for bed your can see them in morning.


back in guestroom Izaya got in night legging and shirt on turn off the light out got in bed beside of Psyche when to sleep with his son in his arms when morning came Izaya woke up and see that Psyche was still a sleep so Izaya got out of bed put the pillow around him so he wont fall off the bed walk out of the bedroom walk down the hall to the living room see Shinra in hte kichen making breakfast and said.

Izaya-morning Shinra .

Shinra turn around see Izaya and said .

Shinra- morning Izaya coffee and breakfast sound good to and where is Psyche.

Izaya-yes please on the coffee and breakfast sound good to and Psyche still a sleep.

Shinra and hot mug of coffee and a Omelette seat the Omelette and cup of coffee in front of Izaya and said.

Izaya- oh thank you Shinra this look good.

Shinra-thank you Izaya.

then Psyche came walking out of the guestroom Psyche rub his eyes Shinra look at Psyche Izaya pick up his son and said to him.

Izaya- morning Psyche and Psyche this is your Mama friend and your Uncle this is Shinra can you his son and said to him.

Toddler Psyche- hello Uncle Shinra.

Shinra-hello Psyche it nice to see you again the last time i see you whenyou was newborn how old are you now Psyche.

Toddler Psyche - am three Uncle Shinra.

Izaya hold Psyche andn feed some of his breastfast to Psyche.

Shinra-he eat good Psyche.

Izaya-sometime but most time it chicken nuggets so he a picky eater but he a good little eater at time.

Cetly come out of her room and see Izaya at the bar eat his breatfast and drink his coffee see Psyche in his lap and said to them.

Celty-[ morning Shinra and Izaya am happy you two are back home for good.]

Izaya-it good to be home Psyche this is your Aunt Celty can you can said hi to her.

Toddler Psyche-hi Aunt Celty it nice to meet you Auntie.

Celty-[it nice to see you again the last time i see you was when you was just little baby and happy you are back both of you]

Izaya-did my stuff get here.

Shinra-yes it in the stonger in the basement where it was dry.

Izaya-good and can you and Celty watch him so i can go look apartments today.

Celty-[yes leave us little nugget.]

Izaya-okay and he go down for his nap between 12 or 1:00 so when he get fussy just lay him down and he wont Chicken nuggets Psyche am going out to look for apartment so you are going to stay with Uncle Shinra and Aunt Celty for littl while you have to be good for them for me.

Toddler Psyche-yes Mama i be good for Uncle Shinra and Aunt Celty.

Izaya-that my boy.

Izaya finished his breakfast hand Psyche to Celty so he can go get ready to look at Apratment for him and Pysche Izaya walk down the hall to the guestroom to get ready turn on the light open his suitcase and got out his black jean pants lay them down on the bed got out shirt from his suitcase lay it on the bed Izaya took off his leggings put them in his suitcase grab his jean pants put them on then grab his shirt put it on zipped and button his pants Izaya got his pair of sockes seat on the bed Izaya put on his socks grab his shoes got his coat put over his arm walk out of the bedroom walk back down the hall when back into the living room put his shoes on and his coat walk back in the bedroom to get his cellphone and wallet walk back in the bedroom grab his cellphone and wallet walk back out of the bedroom walk back in the living room and look at Psyche in Celty arms and said Izaya.

Izaya-okay going now but i be back you be good Psyche for Uncle Shinra and Aunt Celty.

Toddler Psyche-yes mama i be good.

Shinra-he be fine Izaya now go find you two good home.

Celty -[yes he be find Izaya now go look at some apartment for you and him.]

Izaya-i be back as i can you two.

Shinra-bye Izaya.

Celty[bye Izaya.]

Izaya walk out the door of Shinra and Celty apartment when down the stairs out the door when down the side walk to look at Apartment on the other side of town Shinra and Tom was get some debt that the people that own them when he smell a scent that he has not smell in three year he said.

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