day at the park Part 7

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Izaya-what would like to do today baby.

Toddler Psyche- can we go to the park to play Mama.

Izaya- sure baby we can go to the park to play since it nice out today so let finished eating are breakfast thin i help you get ready to go out to play.

Izaya and Psyche finished there Breakfast Izaya got out of his sit and pick up Psyche out of his highchair and toll him go to his room Izaya pick up the dirty dishes seat then in sink to be wash so Izaya feel the sink up with warm water put the dish soap in the water got a rag started washing up the dishes rise then and put them on the dish rack to dry let the water out of the sink dry his hands and walk out of the kitchen walk back in the living room when into the Psyche room to get him ready to go out to the park,Izaya help psyche out of his Pj help him put pn his shorts and shirt on help him put on his sockes on and shoes both walk out of Psyche room Izaya. put on his shoes and his coat on pick up his cellphone,wallet and keys both walk out the door lock it Izaya and Psyche walk down the hall to the Elevator Izaya push the button to the lobby Izaya pick up Psyche the Elevators door open Izaya and Psyche, walk in the Elevator Izaya push the button to lobby button ride down to the lobby when Elevator stop at the lobby Elevator doors, open both walk outof the Elevator out of the build walkdaown the sidewalk to the park so Psyche can play for couples mins since it nice day out when they got to the park Izaya sit Psyche. down on the ground took. Psyche hand walk to the play ground Psyche let go of Izaya hand ran to play at the play ground Izaya walk over to a park bench and sit down watch Psyche Play with the other kids his ages then Izaya watch his son play with the other kids and have fun to.

Izaya- watch his son play and play with the other kids think about if he want another baby so Psyche wont be only child he have ask Shizuo one day if he want more kids someday.

book 2   Izaya come back to Japan with PsycheWhere stories live. Discover now