The Talk Part 5

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when Izaya walk in to Russia Sushi walk in and look around for Shizuo when Simon look at him and Said.

Simon-Izaya you want Sushi yes.

Izaya-sure i take fatty tuna and am meet someone here for lunch.

Simon-sure coming right up Izaya.

Izaya when to sit down wait for Shizuo to get here so they can talk about what Shizuo did to him. three years ago then Shizuo walk in see Izaya walk over and sit down on the other side of the booth Simon come over to Izaya seat his food in forth of him and look at Shizuo and ask him.

Simon-what can i i get for Shizuo.

Shizuo-green tea and couple of sushi rolls.

simon-coming right up Shizuo i be back with your food.


simon walk to get Shizuo order Shizuo look at Izaya and Izaya look back at Shizuo and Shizuo when first.

Shizuo-so where do i started or do you want yo statred Izaya.

Izaya-i go first then you can go Shizuo.

Shizuo-okay .

Izaya-okay hear it go.

Izaya took a deep breath and look at Shizuo then ask the Question that he want the Answer to for a long time now.

Izaya-the day i was out getting info for cilents when i was coming back from meet him to get lunch i was doing noting that l going to get lunch i was doing nothing just my own busy you pull me into the alleyway put down pants and boxers down and thrust inside of me and raped Me.

Shizuo-am sorry for that day i was mad that day some of the people ran from pay of there debets that they own Tom and took out on you by raped you.

Izaya-so you took your Anger out on me by raped me but we did get a sweet little boy out of that be we could of talk in stand of raped Me.

Shizuo-i know and i sure of got anger and Stalking you like that.

Izaya-and abused to making stress out when i was pregnant.

Shizuo-you stress was stress out be cause of me.

Izaya- yes i was stressing so bad that i got sick.

Shizuo-Izaya why didn't you tell me this when you got back home.

Izaya-am sorry but am okay now still stress out little but not a lot.

then Simon came over seat Shizuo green tea and sushi in forth of Shizuo.

Simon-here you go Shizuo.

Shizuo-oh thank you go Shizuo.

Simon-your welcome injoy you two.

when Simon when back to help his boss and let Shizuo and Izaya to finished there talk back at the table Shizuo look at Izaya and ask him.

Shizuo-is there any then else i need to know Izaya.

Izaya-yes why you kick my door in on my old Apartment you made me so Scary of you Shizuo.

Shizuo-so that why you when into hidden.

Izaya-yes it was that why i when to the cottage that my grandparents own when they die inherit the cottage from them.

Shizuo-then you ran off to American in the Middle of the night with are son with out tell me,Shinra or Celty or anyone else for that matter.

Izaya-i had to i thought you was going to abused me again so that why i ranway from Japan for a three years but am back now with are son for good.

Shizuo-yeah your home with are son that am happy to get to know now since you keep him a way from me for a three years and i know you had to keep him from me i was in a bad place i hurt you bad Izaya and am sorry for that.

Izaya-i know your sorry for what you did to Me and am sorry for what i did to you for keep Psyche why for you i just didn't want him get hurting from us fighting or like Streetsigns,mailbox,vending machines throwing at me for him been my son.

Shizuo-you right about that Izaya.

Izaya look Shizuo for what he said and he say back.

Shizuo-it still i just trying not to get mad at you for leaving like i say i know you had every right to with my Anger get better of me.

Izaya-yeah but know like your son and he love meet you Yesterday to he like meet you he had fun meet his daddy.

Shizuo-yeah he did and i had fun to with him to like to see him again.

Izaya-i can have some arranged for the three of us to do something together.

Shizuo-that sound Great when you want to get together again call Me when you think of something to do soon.

Izaya-sure will now let eating are lunch and have nice Lunch no more talking about what happened in the past it over now okay .


Shizuo and Izaya ate there lunch and talk somemore and making plans what they can do together as a family of three,Shizuo look at Izaya and Izaya look back at Shizuo and ask him.

Izaya-what there something on my face.

Shizuo-no am just look at you to see what i miss out on for three years ago.

Izaya-you miss a lot but you are making it up Shizuop and that a good then.

Shizuo-yes it is it a really good then.

after Lunch Izaya pay for the sushi Shizuo and Izaya walk out of Russsia Sushi both left to head home it was another good day for them both.they had good lunch and great talk Izata put what happened to him in the past behind so did Shizuo and looking forward to the future with there son.

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