10. looking after Michael

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paiges pov.

'Michael..Michael...c'mon stay with me Tom we need to get there sooner he's completely unconscious' I say in an even more panicked tone. "we're almost there just keep talking to him wake him up don't let him fall asleep" Katie said looking at me. What felt like hours we finally arrived there and I rushed him up to my room gently as possible I lay him on the bed and see he was barely awake Katie came in and asked if she could help 'Katie go grab my double blanket off that chair please and Tom go see if you can get him some more clothes please' I said as they go to help me, to make him comfier gently tucking him into the bed to keep him warm watching over him waiting nervously for him to wake up.

-a a few hours later-

Michael's pov

After they saved me I was taken back to there's all I remember is passing out.

I come around again and I feel like I'm lying on a bed and every part of me hurts... I manage to open my eyes and I feel a bit disorientated and the room has been kept dark I guess to help me as I try to move I feel someone on the bed beside me where is paige I need to make sure she's okay?. 'where is where is Paige.. where is she?' I say weakly trying to sit up and look round moving in pain "hey it's ok, it's ok im here, im right here see.. calm down.." I see her worried face and her hands move gently to my chest as I breathe heavily and lie back down on the bed in agony she lies on the bed beside me slightly leaning over me as I calm down knowing she's safe too. "im not going anywhere... it's ok just rest and get some sleep..im not leaving you I promise" she says in a soft voice reassuring me with a soft hand on my cheek. As we stare at each other for a few minutes I can't help but look at her and those pretty blue eyes but I can't keep my eyes open any longer as she goes back to running her hand over my head sweet talking to me sleep takes over me.

A while later I wake up again looking around and I guess im still in what I guess is Paige's room. As I'm lying on the bed listing to her talk to Tom who's come back I think about her.

Paige's so sweet and I think.. 'I might be falling in love with her but I'm just a half-angel and I could never be proper human again' I think sadly as I'm listing to them talk I hear her say.

"Honestly I'm so worried about him if we'd lost him I don't know what I'd do I don't think I can bear losing him again. If he has another chance at living im going to try my best to help." I feel her hand go through my hair and very gently to my shoulder as Tom replies "you do live him don't you?" he asks her as she replies In a sad worried tone "I do.." As she runs her hand over my head again "Don't worry Paige he will get better besides he's got us now and thank god we're out of that place".

"yeah..for now, "Paige replies unhappy so That's when I decide to make it known I'm awake as I try to move to see them again but everything I move is agony I groan and Paige looks at me and starts fussing over me she Sais. "It's all right, I'm right here go back to sleep.. you need to rest." in a very ruff whisper I ask 'can you..ugh.. say with me.. tonight Paige?' looking at her not wanting her to leave "Of course I will im not leaving you" she replies and Tom says "well I have to go do some bits ill be back later," he says as page thanks him before leaving the room.

She gently gets under the covers with me and I try with all my strength to cuddle up with her, but she realizes pretty quick what I am trying to do so she gently moves over to cuddle me, and our noses end up touching I look at her then down nervously ignoring the pain she takes my chin in her hand gently tilting my head back up to meet her gaze, "hey.." Her soft sweet voice says so I look up at her as she kisses me.

She is being so gentle with me she must have thought that she's going to hurt me but as I kiss her back with determination she smiles into the kiss and I felt a tingling feeling throughout my body as if the kiss was mending me. I feel as though im stronger again but as she pulled away I felt a scene of loss over me I wanted those lips back on mine... I think im falling hard for here.

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