5. being caught

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Recap; I here my friend calling me and...

*still Paige*

Suddenly Tom walks in and looks straight at me then at Michael shocked.

"What the hell! b-but he's supposed to be d-dead," Tom said. 'Yeah but I've kind of brought him back to life well live ish well long story' I look at Michael and smile he looks at me nervously and I squeeze his hand to try and reassure him everything going to be OK as Tom says "so you must have special powers Paige like a superhero that's awesome or some weird ghost trick" I reply worried 'yeah but how do we keep him out of sight? they will be looking for us soon?' Tom looks at me unsure replying "yeah you're right um let's go find-em and we will see what happens ok" agreeing to take Michael with us 'yeah let's go'.

Micheal's pov

As we walked down the corridor I could hear a voice I was so nervous that all I could think of was, was it them the ones who came for me last time and now I'm human again will they hurt me again?. Will I go back to being a ghost again or worse nothing?.  All I have now is Paige keeping me strong and I don't want her seeing me like what happened last time I don't a repeat of that and if she is special then I must fight to look after her. 

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