Destined souls always belong together

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(Rahma's pov)

I was about to move towards Asif and as I walked with hurried steps he stood there waiting for me with anger still written all over his face.

"Asif, what happened?, You're blee-" I said as I was about to reach out to hold his hands in mine, like I usually do whenever I need comfort, care or support.

But then he moved his hands away from my reach and I didn't know why but him rejecting my hold and touch felt really painful.

I moved my eyes from the sight of his bleeding knuckles and I slowly looked up at him and stared him in the eyes.

My eyes held a lot of emotions in them, somehow how he looked at me right now was different from how he has always looked at me.

I usually ask myself if I'm hallucinating because I do notice the care and love whenever I look into those orbs of his.

But now they seemed empty, blank and dangerous.

I wasn't used to this Asif at all but that wasn't my main concern right now.

He was still bleeding and there was no sign of it stopping.

"Get out of my face." He said looking more angry by the second.

Hearing him say that to me surprised the hell out of me, where is this coming from?, My Asif will never say or do anything to hurt me or my feelings, and we were good during lunch so what happened all of the sudden.

I didn't notice the tears that started polling in my eyes, I really didn't want him to hate me, I'll be able to accept the fact that the world despise me, yes they hate me and also don't care about me but I don't think I'll be able to handle it if Asif gets angry with me talk more of hating me.

"Asif please don't do this now, your hands are bleeding, we need to get it treated." I said in a pleading tone probably sounding desperate but I didn't care.

He is hurting and he is also hurting me right now.

"I can take care of myself, don't worry about my knuckles, or the blood dripping because today I wasted them because of you."

He said while pushing me gently out of his way.

Then he said, "You can catch a ride with Aleena and Asad today, I don't want to see your face right now."

He took two steps forward when my hands moved on their own Accord to stop him, he did stop but didn't bother to turn around and look at me, he probably wasn't kidding when he said he didn't want to see my face.

"Asif what happened all of the sudden, why are you acting strange, this isn't the Asif I know and if this is a game or a joke then please stop it because it's hurting me." I said to him this time not holding back my tears.

It may seem pathetic that I was crying but this is Asif we are talking about, the only person who cared for me when no one else did, he first person to ever tell me that I'm beautiful, the only guy who has ever hugged me intimately, the only guy who has ever made me blush, and the only guy who makes my heart beat in a weird rhythm.

Instead of answering my question, he pulled away my hand from his and walked away without another word.

Ya Rabb what happened when he texted me?.

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