Chapter 13

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 I walk up to him sheepishly and sit down. I keep my head towards my lap. He hugs me as I continue sitting. I can't talk to him. I know he probably hates me. "I'm sorry!" I blurt out. I cover my mouth and start sobbing. I already hated it here. He grabbed me and held me. His body swayed with me in his grasp. I have finally broken.

 I feel Vic's wet tears drip onto me and it only makes me cry even more because of the fact that I have put him through this. I slowly start to calm myself from the shaky sobs I once started with. He tries to let me go but I keep him close in fear that I might literally break into one million pieces. i manage to get into my own seat and start to process real things in my brain. "What are your fans going to think when they see those videos?" I ask thinking back to the horrific videos that started this all.

  "Jamie is already on that. He tweeted out about how all the stuff was nonconsensual and he is just saying that you and I need a break from the internet. Also we are trying to find out who released the videos, You need to tell us who did this to you."

 I bite my lip. I refuse to say his name. I will never say his name. Vic needs to know his name though. "Jacob Wallis," I murmur. I flinch at the name. It has haunted me for so many years. I just need to escape from him!

 I sit in my seat batting in the war that is going on in my mind. I watch Vic sand up and my eyes glance to the clock. Visiting hours are over. I frown and hug VIc one last time before collapsing on the floor in a heap of tears. I haven;t said his name since the first time he raped me. I can't believe I said it.

 I think back to when I thought he was a sweet guy. He was mainly into jazz music and had a 'sweater and nice slacks' vibe to him. He was completely and utterly normal. He was charming and seductive. A hair was never out of place on him and he was the perfect foster child. But every time he got adopted he just got sent back. Weird. Well I get it now. One night he convinced me just so strip for him. It went from there. He forced himself on me. He didn't look so perfect. His stale breath blew in my face with every grunt and his teeth were crooked. I clawed at him but sadly the one perfection I found about him was his strength. I was easily dominated and I will forever have zero control and I will always be weak

 .I go through the days in the prison, with daily crying sessions while everyone sleeps. Group therapy isn't helping either. It's only the same few people that talk.

 I don't want to be here. I just want to be with Vic and Tony.  Looking back Tony and I have gotten pretty close. He is just like me, quiet but funny.

  I look at my arms and i have "zebra stripes," which is when your cuts are so deep that it looks like you have stripes. I don't want this. I am really starting to regret everything.


 The rest of my time impatient is a blur. And I only learned one thing. I don't want to be dead.


 Vic picks me up from the hospital and anxiety swarms through my veins. I want to see my family. The members of Pierce the Veil were my family, despite what others say. I walk into the house.

 CC. Tony, Jinxx. Ashley. Andy. Jake. Jaime. Mike. All here for me.

 I run up to Tony and  throw myself around him."Oh I missed you baby," He says while picking me up. I keep him in a hug for a few more moments, in taking his musky smell.

 "I missed you more," I whisper into his hair.

I am sorry. I took forever and it is really short. Please forgive me. Please Vote Comment Share and Follow!

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