World Domain Arc Part 4

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(Planet Mount Mountain Village)

The Fatal Fury looks around to see a bunch of dead bodies.

Lucy: These poor people.

Kuhbarro: These celestials were all killed.

Hunter: Just who is this individual.

Code: Whoever it is, they're going to pay.

Magma: Agreed.

Charlie: There has to be at least one survivor. Let's get searching.

As the Fatal Fury is searching, charlie finds a survivor who is barely breathing.

Charlie: GUYS OVER HERE!!!!

Lucy: You found a survivor.

Charlie: Yea over here.

The Fatal Fury rushes over towards Charlie.

Charlie: Hey, We're here to help.

The survivor looks towards the Fatal Fury, struggling to speak: He was... horrifying.

Charlie: Where is this man. Can you show us.

The Survivor slowly raises his arm and points to the north side of the mountain: He went... in that direction.

Charlie: Thanks you. Come on, guys, let's go.

As the Fatal Fury walks towards the north side of the mountain, they look back to see the survivor taking their final breath.

Charlie: Their death will not be in vain.

The Fatal Fury nodded in agreement.

Charlie: Let's go.

(Northern Mountain side)

Charlie: Keep an eye. He may still be here .

The man: Are Y'all the cosmic saints.

The Fatal Fury quickly turns around to see a man wearing a knight type with no helmet.

Charlie: Who are you.

The man: Are Y'all not the cosmic saints I heard about.

Charlie: No, we were sent here on their orders

The man: Hmm, I see. Teru, the terroriser I am called. I heard that these saint know of the great power in the world, so I slaughter all those people over there hoping to draw the attention here. But they send you guys.

Charlie: Get ready, guys.

The Fatal Fury goes into their fighting stance.

Teru pulls out a greatsword with a black magic stone in the handle: Maybe me dealing with you all will lure them here.

The Fatal Fury jumps out the way as teru shoots a beam of darkness from the sword towards them.

Lucy blocks the blast with crystal magic.

Lucy waves her wand, shooting a crystal beam towards Teru.

Teru slices through the crystal beam: Show me more.

Hunter charges towards Teru as he draws a broken sword.

Teru catches Hunter arm: A broken sword, really.

Hunter smiles, and Teru gets slash in the face, causing him to back up.

Teru looks towards Hunter sword as the sands slowly form the rest of the sword.

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