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(On the ship)

Antonio: ok, what the heck just brought me on board without: gets cut off by the lady in front:

The lady: ok listen here, young man. I'm Mave, and we did save you from dying, so a thanks would be nice.

Antonio : Oh yea uh thanks honestly just shock to be on an alien ship is all, but um, who are you guys exactly.

Mave: This is no mere alien ship. This is a special, highly advanced....

Jago cuts her off

Jago says jokingly: not really advanced, we do get shot at lot in most of the cosmo, so um, yea.

Antonio quietly laughed as mave walked towards Jago.

Mave punches Jago cross the room, and Antonio looks scared.

Mave: You were saying Jago.

Jago: No.. nothing totally advanced ship indeed.

Antonio. Um, so who are you all again

An unknown voice: Oh my gosh, just tell him already

Antonio turns to see a short girl and a strange man wearing a black robe.

The short girl: I'm Nora code name x66, I'm an android capable of making anything out of my nanotech.

Nora points toward the strange man in black robes.

Nora: This is fate.

Fate: hi.

Nora: he's a sorcerer of light and dark magic.

Fate: Don't wanna talk bout it, he's says as he walks off.

Nora: he's really shy when it comes to explaining his abilities.

Antonio: Uh, that's fine, really

Jago: I'm Jago, the flame emperor.
Capable of fire manipulation with flames that burn others' flames.

Antonio: cool!!!!

Mave: I'm the celestial wildheart, shape shifter if u will. The leader of this team of celestial beings

Mave: we are the REVELATIONALS,
We are saviors of the galaxy or guardians if you will.

Jago: though the council of the cosmo,
Space poilce if you will, on the hunt for people like us, because they think we people not worthy of saving lives.

Nora: we have killed Many before to save others

Fate: Indeed.

Antonio: That's cool in all, but why me.

The revelationals look at me confused

Mave: What do you mean by that.

Antonio: Why me? I'm just some ordinary human.

Nora: Not quite

Antonio: What do you mean

Jago: Those people who attacked you on earth are some of the most dangerous group in the cosmo and were coming to eliminate you before you unlock and reawaken your abilities.

Antonio eyes widen with a shocking face expression

Antonio: oh ok wait abilities?

Mave: Back in the early years, your family were some of the greatest fighters in the cosmo.

Antonio eye widened again: really... cool!!!

Mave: yes indeed your father Brandon is one of the greatest fighters in the 10 cosmo saints

Antonio: Wait, what that

Fate: meaning your father in the top 10 strongest people in the cosmo

Antonio: Wait, what number rank is he

Nora: From 10 to 1, your father ranks 6

Antonio: Dang, he strong!!!

Fate: Indeed.

Antonio: Wait, so I could be that powerful one day

Mave: Indeed.

Antonio: So that is why I was attacked because of my family before me.

Nora: One way to look at it, but no

Mave: The group that attacks you is called the black dragon. Recently they target people who hads high power potential and obtain theirs powers for themselves, but you was different your potential powers are beyond dangerous, and since you haven't unlocked and reawaken yours abilities yet, they were gonna kill you before you unlock and reawaken them.

Jago: But we stop them, of course

Antonio: Wow, thanks!!!

Antonio: So is there a way to unlock it, like training or um.

Nora: usually yes but your bloodline unlock theirs through powerful emotions

Antonio: Oh, that um easier said than done.

Nora: No worries, you'll get ur abilities before you know it

Antonio: Thanks. I can't wait, so what first on the agenda

Fate: Aside from saving you from the black dragon, we wait for some trouble that needs fixing

Antonio: Cool, but how will we know when danger arrives.

The ship alarms system goes off with red flashing lights.

Nora: That how, "she says while giggling at the cue of the alarm system."

Mave: well Revelationals let see what the trouble is this time.

Mave walk towards the computer desks

Mave sits down and presses a button on the computer that releases a big hologram figure of a man

Antonio: Now that cool.

Jago: it a distress call

The hologram man: Hello, can anyone read me.

Mave: we can hear you, sir, loud and clear

The hologram man: ok thanks the cosmo, me and my crew in danger ma'am we in need of assistance

Mave: What kind of danger, sir, "she asked curiously.

The hologram man: My team and I are on the space station near planet Norma. Transporting an energy crystal to Norma. Then, these space pirates wearing black dragon tattoos type symbols attack us.

Mave: I see. Don't panic. We're on the way.

The hologram man: name Mac Harvey, I'll be hiding looking for yall

Mave: okay Mac we'll be there.

The computer hung up, and the group discussed the plan.

Mave: Okay, here is the plan team. Whatever the crystal is, there is no doubt the black dragons there to obtain it for powers.

Mave: Antonio, I want you and Nora to go to the space station and fine Mac and stop the black dragon from obtaining the crystal powers.

Jago: What bout me, guys

Fate: The station has fire and flammable objects there. You'll just end up blowing the whole station along with the transportation crew and the crystal.

Jago: crap ur right

Mave: Antonio, since this is your first mission with us, be careful, and who knows, you might even awaken something there

Antonio: we'll see

Nora: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go.

The ship flies off to the Norma space station.

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