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             THE DESERT PLANET

Mave: Antonio, before we prepare to land at planet Zamusu, follow me to the gears section room

Antonio: Wait," I'm finally getting my own gear and weapon."

Mave: No, we're building you your gear and weapon.

Antonio says excitedly: AWESOME LET'S GO.

(In the gears section room)

Mave: In case you should know, whatever you make will be connected to your aura, like Nora and her nanotech

Antonio: So what you saying is my weapon and gears will be powered by my energy.

Mave: Exactly, let me show you how it works...

Mave points to the machine: release your aura into that machine when you finish creating everything,

Antonio:What will it do

Mave: It absorbs energy into your gears to be able to dish out attacks and make creating techniques from your weapon similar to your own.

Antonio: Cool.

Mave: I'll go check on the others before we land.

Antonio: Okay, see you when I'm done.

(In the command room)

Nora and Jago are arguing over what they want for the prize.

Nora: I'm telling you we should get a giant robot in our training room to spar with.

Jago: I'm telling you that's stupid. We could just train and spar together. What we need is one of them cool relics to put in our trophy room .

Nora says angerly: My idea's way better than yours, Jago.

Fate: I have an idea for the prize

Jago and Nora turn towards fate and say in sync: What's the idea.

Fate: We can get new decorations for the ship.

Nora and Jago yell simultaneously: NO THAT'S DUMB!!!!

Mave walks in....

Mave: What's with all the yelling.

Fate: They argue over what they want to win for the prize at Planet Zamusu.

Mave: It is a team tournament this time, so why don't we think of something we all want.

Nora: So no giant training robot.

Mave: No Nora,

Nora: Damn it

Jago: Well, since it is a team thing, why don't we wait until Antonio comes back to discuss it.

Fate: Indeed

Nora: Fine by me.

Mave: He should be back by now.

The command room doors open as Antonio slowly walks into the room

The Revelationals looks to see Antonio new gears

Antonio walks in wearing a harden black and gold armor suit carrying a staff.

Antonio: What yall think... cool right

Jago: That awesome man.

Nora: That's hot.

Fate: What was that, Nora?

Nora: I said that's nice fate.

Mave: Nice design, but what the staff do.

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