Planet Zamusu arc part 6

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( 30 minutes earlier in jade chambers )

Antonio woken up inside the cryotube

Cryotube: session complete. Have a nice day:

The cryotube doors opens releasing Antonio

Antonio falling on the floor: the hell... where.... am i.

Antonio looks around the room to see chains on the ceiling.

Antonio says in horror: where the hell am I at.

Antonio walks around the room to hear talking from the outside.

Antonio peaks outside the door to see the tri force talking and arguing in the hallway.

Sebastin: I'm telling you it gonna be hard, we are most likely gonna lose again like we always do.

Tristan: Don't think like that. I know how yall feels. I don't wanna be Fox slave force to fight for people entertained either.

Antonio eyes widen in shock as he listens to their conversation.

Jace: Guys, guys, I know those guys outside are powerful, but we are powerful as well. Even though I agree with Sebastin, it will be hard to win.

As the tri force were talking: they saw Jade walking through the hallway towards them.

Jade: Hi guys, I just came by to let yall know that yall will be coming up next for the last tournament round.

The tri force stands in shock.

Jace: What do you mean, final fight? None of us even fought once yet.

Jade: Well, um... I kind of figured out that Sir Fox purposely arranged the fights so the winner gets to fight yall guys, in this case, yall fighting the Revelationals.

Tristan says in doubt: Aww, great now, I'm praying we make it out alive.

Jade says reassuring: oh no, I'm sure yall will be fine now." Hurry up and go get ready for the next fight."

Tri force says in sync as they walk off: yes, ma'am.

Jade enters her chambers to see antonio chilling on the floor.

Antonio: You know, aside from the chains on the ceiling, your room looks really nice.

Jade: How... how long have u been awake?

Antonio: Just now, honestly

Antonio thinks to himself: I probably shouldn't address the conversation with the tri force until later.

Jade: Well, your buddy fate just won his match against lucy. If you hurry, you can congratulate him.

Antonio: Sure, but um, how do I get out of here exactly?

Jade pulls a chain from the celling, which opens up a portal.

Jade: This portal will lead you back to your friends.

Antonio: oh thanks cya later.

Antonio walks through the portal and appears at the arena to see the others' Revelationals.

( presents time )

Antonio: Well, there yall have it, how I got back and what going on with the tri force.

Nora: That bastard.

Mave: Those three most likely never seen what the cosmo is like.

Jago: we should help them, I sense them earlier from the crowd. They have a powerful aura.

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