Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"That man was awful!" exclaimed Klaus as they went to find their shack. 

"Tell me about it!" said Rowan, nodding.

"I wonder what our shack will be like." Violet wondered thoughtfully.

They found their shack. It was small and made from tin, with horrid walls - they were painted green with small pink hearts on. There were three hay bales scattered around the room instead of beds. 

They all shuddered.

"I don't think this can get any worse." said Rowan sadly, watching Violet out Sunny on a hale bale.

"Crabs!" exclaimed Klaus as a red crab scuttled past his foot. "Our shack has crabs!"

"It can't get any worse now!" gasped Violet as they jumped on to their hay bales.

Rowan cursed as a drop of tan fungus fell off of the roof and landed in his dark hair.

"It can get worse." Violet corrected herself, dodging a drop of fungus.

"What's that?" asked Klaus suddenly.

"What's what?" asked Violet and Rowan at the same time, both expecting something bad.

"That piece of paper." Klaus leaped off of the hay bale and moved over to the paper. He picked it up.

"What is it?" asked Violet.

"A photograph." said Klaus. "There's a man with black hair, a woman with blonde hair, a man and a woman both with black hair, and... our parents. And their standing... in front of Lucky Smells Lumbermill!"

"Let me see." said Rowan, also jumping off of the hay bale. "The people on the left.. those are my parents."

Klaus looked at Rowan. "Your parents?"

Rowan nodded. "My parents." he repeated.

"Show me." said Violet, stepping off of the hay bale. "Stay there, Sunny."

She walked over to the two boys and looked at the picture. "Those are our parents!" she said. "And those are your parents?"

"Yes." Rowan said.

"But... we don't know you. Rowan, did your parents ever go on work trips?" asked Klaus.

"Oh, yes." Rowan nodded. "Like, every other month."

Violet and Klaus exchanged looks and nodded. 

"Ours would too." said Violet slowly.

"Put the photograph in your pocket." Rowan said to Klaus.

Klaus did that.

"There's another piece of paper over there." said Violet, pointing.

Rowan immediately rushed over, and then frowned. "It's just information."

The Baudelaire siblings frowned too.

"Read it anyway." said Violet.


Welcome to the school, I suppose. Vice Principal Nero asked me to write this for you because I'm the smartest, prettiest, kindest, bestest girl in the school, and probably the world. Although I don't know why I have to waste my time writing this letter for you. Your uniforms are in the shack. Probably. Somewhere. I don't know, I'm too special to go in a dirty old shack. The girl with the ribbon and the boy with the pencil will be studying with Mr. Remora. The boy with the glasses will be studying with Mrs. Bass. The baby with the teeth will be Nero's assistant. Please appreciate that I actually writed this letter for you."

"Well, she sounds nice." said Klaus sarcastically.

"She does, doesn't she." replied Rowan, equally as sarcastic.

"P-" began Violet, but a bell rang.

They all sighed.

"That must be the bell for lunch." said Violet.

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