Chapter Seven

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"Justice Strauss." were the first words that came out of Klaus's mouth the next morning. He got up from the floor, and watched as Violet picked up Sunny from the floor and Rowan climbed out of bed.

"Justice Strauss?" Violet asked, bewildered. "Klaus, Justice Strauss isn't here. Are you okay?"

"No, I mean we need to see Justice Strauss." Klaus answered.

"Klaus, we don't have time for more reading." Violet answered. "I'm sorry, but Count Olaf is a madman and we can't let our guard down."

"Trust me." Klaus responded. "I need books on law and marriage."

Violet smiled, seeing where this was going. "I'll come. Rowan, do you want to come with us to Justice Strauss's?"

"Oh, yes!" Rowan exclaimed.

"Let's get to work." smiled Violet.

Before long, Violet, Klaus, and Rowan were sitting in tall chairs, reading complicated, boring law books.

When they got back 'home', Klaus whispered urgently to his friend and siblings. "I've figured it out. If he marries you, Violet, he'll be in possession of all your money. Listen. Once a man marries a woman, and the marriage is confirmed, the man will be in possession of his, but his wife's money."

"Sunny, I'll take you upstairs to rest whilst we confront Olaf." Violet rushed upstairs, before coming down without Sunny.

"Olaf?" called Klaus. "Count Olaf?"

"We need to talk to you!" shouted Violet.

"Count Olaf?" asked Rowan.

"Where do you think he is?" sighed Violet.

"Probably in his secret tower room," said Klaus.

"Hello, children." said a voice behind them.

"We know what you're up to!" exclaimed Klaus.

"Oh, clever boy." Count Olaf mocked. "Go on then. What am I up to?"

"You're going to marry Violet! For real. Not for a play." Rowan snapped.

"Why would I want to marry Violet Baudelaire?" scoffed Count Olaf. "She is pretty, but I would rather slap her in the face."

"Because you want our fortune." Violet scowled.

"Violet, don't worry. I've thought of a way to stop it, but we need to pretend we're clueless." Klaus whispered to his sister.

Violet nodded. "We don't know how to stop you, but someone will!"

"The police will be called and you will go to jail," said Klaus.

"Your wicked scheme will fail, Count Olaf." Rowan shouted.

"Klaus, Rowan." frowned Violet. "Come on. Let's get Sunny and get out of this wretched place."

The three orphans got a shock when they went upstairs.

"Sunny!" exclaimed Klaus.

"Sunny? Oh, no, where is she?" Violet paced around the room.

"What have you done with their baby sister?" yelled Rowan when Count Olaf entered the room.

"Me, nothing." Count Olaf grinned. "What a shame. It is so unusual to find a small, obedient child missing. Sunny, Sunny, Sunny! Sunny! Here, Sunny, Sunny! Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Violet responded sourly.

"It's coming from outside!" Count Olaf exclaimed.

The children rushed downstairs, leaving Count Olaf to smirk and then follow them.

"She's not here." Violet shook her head at Klaus.

"It was a trick." Klaus sighed.

Rowan turned on Count Olaf. "If you have killed her..."

"Ha!" Count Olaf snickered. "No, no, no, for such booky children, you are very unintelligent. Look up. Up. Up." He rolled his eyes. "Up."

The children looked up. Sunny was tied up in a bird cage, tape on her mouth.

"Oh, no, No." Klaus said.

"I can't believe you." Violet said quietly, and then, "Let her down! She's just an infant!"

"Oh, of course," said Count Olaf. He turned to the tall man with hooks for hands. "Drop the baby. To her death."

"No!" Violet cried. "Stop."

"Don't! Please, she's just a baby!" shouted Klaus.

"If you wish." Count Olaf smiled. He leaned in close to Klaus and Violet, ignoring Rowan. "Do everything right during the performance, and she will be let down safely."

Violet gulped. "I don't know. I love Sunny... but... I don't want to marry you."

Olaf shoved Klaus out the way, put his hand on Violet's shoulder, and smiled. "Come on, Violet. It wouldn't be that bad to be my bride, to live in my house. I might even let your siblings live. Come now, you're such a lovely, pretty girl."

Klaus was terrified. He hoped that Violet said yes - he knew a way that she could avoid the marriage. Violet frowned, gulped, and said, "I will marry you."

Klaus smiled, and Olaf chuckled. Then, he frowned, and said, "You've got chores to do."

The three children ran into the kitchen.

"Violet," Klaus said. "When Olaf gives you the marriage certificate to sign, sign it with your left hand. A bride must sign the certificate in her own hand. If you sign with your right hand, you will be officially married to him. Wait until Count Olaf lets Sunny down, then tell him. We will call the police, and everything will be okay."

"Oh, Klaus!" Violet exclaimed. "That's brilliant! You're brilliant!"

"Justice Strauss's library is brilliant." smiled Klaus, going red.

"I have an idea myself. To rescue Sunny." Violet said.

"An invention?" asked Klaus. At his sister's nod, he smiled.

"I think I could use a rope, two forks, a knife, a box, and two pieces of fabric to make a grappling hook."

"I have some blueprints of the tower room that I made myself. It might help." Rowan volunteered.

"That would be nice," said Violet.

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