Chapter Nineteen

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"Here we are!" called Mr. Poe.

Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, and Rowan White sat in the back of Mr. Poe's car.

"I miss Uncle Monty," sighed Violet.

"Me too," said Rowan.

"Trois!" shouted Sunny, which meant, 'Me three.'.

"He was kind, and generous, and he didn't deserve to die." sighed Klaus.

"He was definitely our second-best guardian." Violet said.

"Second-best? Why, Count Olaf was evil!" exclaimed Mr. Poe.

"Our parents," said Klaus.

"Ah, you parents," Mr. Poe smiled.

The children looked at each other.

"You said we were going to our Aunt Josephine," said Violet. "We don't know a Josephine Anwhistle."

"She is the Baudelaires' grandmother's sister's daughter's son's wife." Mr. Poe explained.

"So what do we call her?" asked Klaus. "I mean, that doesn't make her our Aunt."

"She requested you call her Aunt Josephine," said Mr. Poe. "Even you, Rowan, although you share no known relation to her. She graciously agreed to take you in."

Rowan smiled. He had been in the awful Count Olaf's care for three years, and now got to live with the Baudelaires.

Mr. Poe stopped his car. "Come on, children."

Once the children had got out of the car, Mr. Poe smiled.

"Damocles Dock." he said in a satisfied tone.

"Where are we?" Klaus asked.

"Damocles Dock." Mr. Poe repeated, confused.

Klaus sighed. "What is the lake called?"

"Lake Lachrymose." Mr. Poe said. He pulled out a red and white bag from his pocket.

"What are those?" Rowan asked.

"Peppermints." Mr. Poe said, passing the bag to Rowan.

The Baudelaires looked at each other and Rowan pulled a face of disgust.

"Mr. Poe, we are aller-" Violet began.

"It's getting late, I should be getting back to the bank." Mr. Poe interrupted. "Use this money," Mr. Poe passed Klaus a note. "To get a taxi to your dowager Aunt's house."

"What does that mean?" asked Violet.

"I'm surprised at you, Violet." Mr. Poe said. "A girl your age should know that a taxi is a car that people pay to get a ride in."

"Goodbye." muttered Rowan as Mr. Poe walked off.

"Dowager is just a fancy word for widow." explained Klaus.

Violet chuckled. "Thank you. Rowan, do you want these peppermints?"

"Oh, no." Rowan shook his head.

Violet nodded and shoved the peppermints into her dress pocket. Mr. Poe had bought them new clothes for their new home, and, unlike the last clothes he had bought them, they were actually quite nice.

"It's strange." Klaus said.

"What?" asked Violet.

"Three guardians in a row that we've never heard of," said Klaus. "Count Olaf, Montgomery Montgomery, Josephine Anwhistle. None of these names rang a bell, and yet we're related to them."

"True," Violet gave Klaus a reassuring smile. "But for now, let's just focus on finding a taxi. Aunt Josephine could be as nice as Uncle Monty."

"You're right." Klaus smiled.

"Hopefully." Rowan mumbled.

"Hi! Do you children need a ride?" A man pulled up in a yellow taxi.

"Yes please." Klaus passed the man the note.

After five minutes, the taxi reached a cliff.

"That's our Aunt's house?" asked Violet.

There was a huge cliff standing in front of them, with a house half hanging off it on stilts.

"Your Aunt Josephine must be a very brave woman," said the taxi driver. "Anyway, good luck!"

The children got out of the car. "Thank you!" called Klaus.

Violet rang the doorbell. It didn't work. Klaus knocked on the door.

A woman opened the door. She was tall and slim, with black glasses and a white bun.

"Please don't knock on the wood. You may get splinters." she said.

"Oh, sorry," said Violet, exchanging a look with Klaus. "Um, we're looking for a Josephine Anwhistle?"

"I am Josephine." smiled the woman.

Rowan began to walk in.

Josephine shrieked.

"What's the matter?" said Klaus.

"Please mind the doormat!" exclaimed Josephine.

"What's wrong with the doormat?" asked Violet.

"You could trip and break your neck."

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