Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The four children had managed to successfully steal a sailboat, and were sailing in the hurricane.  Everyone was drenched, and Violet's hair was heavy with the rain and stuck to her face. She steered through the lake to Curdled Cave, constantly scared that the boat would tip over, before finally reaching the phantasmagorical place.

"Hello?" she called, climbing out of the boat.

"Aunt Josephine!" shouted Klaus.

"Oh, it's you!" came a voice. "Clever children, I knew you would find me!"

Violet smiled. "It was really Klaus."

"But it was Violet's idea to use a sailboat." added Rowan.

"And Rowan helped guide Violet to the cave." finished Klaus.

Aunt Josephine's smile suddenly turned upside down. "Where is the food?" she asked.

"Food?" repeated Klaus. "We didn't bring food."

Aunt Josephine gasped. "But how will we live here in the cave?"

"We're not living here!" exclaimed Violet.

"But I'm scared!" wailed Aunt Josephine.

Klaus walked up to Aunt Josephine so that he was very close to her. "I saw a sign saying that Curdled Cave is for sale."

"So?" said Aunt Josephine, pouting slightly.

"Realtors." Klaus whispered threateningly.

Aunt Josephine gasped and wailed before jumping up.

"Come on!" Violet shouted, and ran to the boat.

"Oh no." Aunt Josephine was saying as they sailed peacefully through the lake. "Oh no. Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no."

"Can you please stop saying that?" asked Violet. "It's distracting me, and besides, there's nothing to 'oh no' about. The hurricane has passed."

Aunt Josephine didn't respond, but gripped her seat and yelled, "Oh no!".

"What?" asked Rowan, irritated.

"The LEECHES!" screamed Aunt Josephine.

"We'll be fine." reassured Klaus. "The leeches will only attack when they smell food. The last food we ate was the burgers and peppermints at The Anxious Clown restaurant, and that was quite a while ago."

"I ate a banana!" shouted Aunt Josephine dramatically.

Klaus exchanged a look with Violet and Rowan. "I'm sure we'll be fine." he said. "Look, they're moving awa-"

He was cut off by the leeches swarming around their boat and powerfully attacking it.

"There are holes in the boat!" shouted Rowan.

"We'll sink!" shouted Klaus.

Violet tied her hair up and blinked a few times before smiling.

"I've got it." she said. "A fire alarm!"

Rowan and Klaus helped her create a fire alarm whilst Aunt Josephine cowered in the corner.

"Aunt Josephine," Violet said, moving towards the scared woman. "This is where you need to help."

"Oh, no!" she exclaimed. "I might get hurt!" 

"You won't get hurt." promised Violet. "I just need your hairnet."

Aunt Josephine put her hand protectively over her hairnet. "No! It keeps my hair out of my face!"

"Give me your hairnet!" exclaimed Violet.


"Give it to me! I'm trying to save each of our lives over here!" shouted Violet.

"The expression is, 'I'm trying to save all of our lives', not 'each of our lives'." corrected Aunt Josephine, pointing a finger at Violet.

Aunt Josephine shrieked as Violet pulled the hairnet out of her hair. Then, she set fire to it.

The children's fire alarm was very loud. Violet waved her stick in the air, which was on fire, Klaus banged an oar on a metal bucket, and Rowan yelled 'help'. Aunt Josephine sat crying at shouting, "Don't eat me! Don't eat me!".

"Help! Help! Help!" shouted Rowan. "Look, someone's coming!"

Everyone started crying for help, but when they saw who had come over, they saw that he was less than help.

"Oh, Captain Sham!" cried Aunt Josephine. "Oh, Captain Sham! A brave sea captain to save us!"

"Lovely to see you too, Madam." said Count Olaf, in his normal voice now. He let out a sinister laugh. "Come aboard."

Aunt Josephine and the children had no choice.

"You tricked me!" yelled Aunt Josephine.

Count Olaf laughed. "Naturally."

Suddenly, Aunt Josephine burst out sobbing. "Don't hurt me! Don't throw me overboard! Take the children, you can have the children! I'll sign the paperwork to give you their fortune!"

"Aunt Josephine!" yelled Klaus, shocked.

"No!" shouted Violet, equally as astonished as her brother.

"You are our guardian!" added Rowan.

"I'll do both." said Count Olaf, and performed the dastardly deed that Aunt Josephine had begged him not to do.

"Aunt Josephine!" shouted the three eldest children at once, Sunny yelling 'Jo'.

They finally knew that their guardian really was gone for good.

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