Chapter Ten

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"Here we are, children!" Mr. Poe said. "Lousy-." Then he was overcome by a fit of coughing. Klaus coughed too, but not as violently as Mr. Poe, of course.

"Uh, what is that smell?" Klaus chuckled slightly.

"Gi-ginger, I-I believ-believe." stammered Mr. Poe in between fits of coughing.

"Is that Dr. Montgomery's house?" asked Violet, looking at a large, yellowish coloured house.

"Ink." laughed Sunny, the youngest Baudelaire, pointing at some hedges that were shaped like snakes. By 'ink' she meant, 'Those snake hedges look very interesting.'.

"Yes, Violet, that is Dr. Montgomery's house. Of course it is, otherwise we wouldn't be pulling into the drive. And no, Sunny, those hedges are shaped like snakes, they are not ink." Mr. Poe responded.

"Oh, Sunny meant, 'those snake hedges look very interesting'." explained Klaus.

"Don't be silly, Klaus, I heard Sunny say 'ink' clearly." Mr. Poe said.

Violet, Klaus, Sunny, and Rowan (the Baudelaire's friend and adoptive brother) rolled their eyes at each other.

Mr. Poe got out of the car, and so did the children.

"What do we call Dr. Montgomery?" asked Violet.

"Just call him Dr. Montgomery." explained Mr. Poe. "Unless he asked to be called by his first name, in which case, call him Montgomery."

"His name is Montgomery Montgomery." said Klaus slowly.

"Yes, and I am sure he is very sensitive about that fact, so do not ridicule him, Klaus. Ridicule means tease." said Mr. Poe.

"We know what the word 'ridicule' means." Klaus and Rowan said together.

Mr. Poe rang the doorbell, and it let out a pleasant tune, far more pleasant than the creepy sound of Count Olaf's doorbell.

The door opened, and a slender man stepped out, wearing a jumper that had a snake pattern on it.

"Hello, hello, hello, Baudelaires!" Dr. Montgomery greeted.

The greeting was so similar to Count Olaf's greeting, but yet said in such a different tone of voice that the children had to smile.

"Good morning, children. Come inside, come inside, I have just finished making a coconut cream cake."

The children and Mr. Poe stepped inside.

Dr. Montgomery gave Violet, Klaus, and Rowan a slice of coconut cake, and then gave Sunny a raw carrot. The adults had a small conversation.

"I really should be getting back to the bank." said Mr. Poe at last, and left.

Dr. Montgomery tutted. "I'm sorry, children, but Mr. Poe really does get on my nerves. Talking about all that unpleasantness with Count Olaf, when he put you with him!"

Klaus, Violet, and Rowan, smiled at each other. They felt the same.

"Excuse me," Violet began politely. "But what would you like us to call you? Mr. Poe told us to call you Dr. Montgomery, but.."

"Call me Monty." the man said, and smiled. "Once you get used to me though, I would like it if you called me Uncle Monty."

There was silence as the children looked around the room.

"Well," said Monty. "Introductions. I am Monty, herpetologist. Do any of you children know what herpetology means?"

"Well," said Klaus, as Violet, Rowan, and Sunny looked at him. "Ology means the study of."

"Snakes!" said Monty enthusiastically. "Snakes, snakes, snakes! That is what I study!" He looked at the children individually. "Enough about me. You are Violet, the inventor. Klaus, the reader. Sunny...?"

"The biter." laughed Violet, as Sunny bit her hand gently to demonstrate.

"And this is Rowan White." said Klaus, gesturing to the boy next to him.

"Hello," said Rowan politely. "I was in Count Olaf's care for three years, but after he tried to marry Violet and escaped, I was taken out of his care, if you could call it that."

Monty smiled. "Ah, yes, Mr. Poe did mention that there would be one more orphan than expected."

"Than expected?" repeated Violet.

"Yes," sighed Monty sadly. "I was expecting you just over a week ago. But Mr. Poe updated me, saying that you had been placed in Count Olaf's care. I knew something was up."

"Well, Dr. Montgomery.." began Klaus.

"Monty." corrected Monty.

"Sorry, Monty, could we go to our room and unpack? We have some books that Count Olaf's nice neighbour, Justice Strauss, let us keep. We also have some, well, itchy clothes that Mr. Poe bought us."

"Room?" asked Monty, astonished. "How did Count Olaf treat you? No, children, you have a room each, except for Violet and Sunny, who will have to share. I have five rooms and am expecting a new assistant after Gustav - my old assistant - left. And you have fresh clothes waiting in your rooms, all of you."

"Oh, thank you!" Violet smiled, and all of the children looked thrilled.

"You can let me know if you want to swap rooms with anyone. Violet and Sunny, your room is next to the kitchen."

"That sounds perfect," said Violet. "Sunny can find lots of things to bite in the kitchen, and I can use the kitchen tools as inspiration for inventions."

"Ga!" shrieked Sunny, which meant, 'I agree!'.

Monty smiled. "Klaus, your room is next to the library, which I will show you soon."

Klaus grinned. "Thank you. I love reading."

"And Rowan," Monty said finally. "Your room is upstairs, opposite mine. I hope you don't mind being so far away from the others?"

"Oh, no," said Rowan, shaking his head. "That's fine. Besides, being high up might inspire me to make a map, or a blueprint."

"Then it's settled," said Monty. "Go upstairs, get dressed, and then meet in Klaus's room. I have a surprise for you children."

Five minutes later, the children were all in Klaus's room, wearing lovely new clothes. Violet was wearing a light blue dress with white buttons, and had her purple hair ribbon in her breast pocket as always. Klaus was wearing a white shirt with a black jumper and black trousers. Sunny was wearing a pastel pink and blue dress with long white socks that fit her perfectly. Rowan was wearing a blue shirt with a greenish-brown jacket, and grey trousers.

"Well, children," said Monty, opening the door to Klaus's room. "This is the library. But it is not just any library." He typed in '2264' on a security button. He opened the door.

The children walked into a large, tropical room. It was filled with snakes, all in large cages. "This is the Reptile Room."

"Wow." breathed Rowan, looking around.

"This is a private room, but as my trusted assistants," he winked at them. "The code is 2264 if you ever wish to come in."

"You said this was a library," said Klaus, hoping he didn't sound spoiled. "Where are the books?"

"Right over here," said Monty. "Please read these books any time you like. Oh, Baudelaires, Rowan, there is something that I need to show you."

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