Chapter 30

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There was someone in the apartment

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There was someone in the apartment. How stupid could he be? Why hadn't he checked the entire place before deciding to get naked? He should have assumed Asher would put someone there. To finish the job maybe? Now he crouched in his boxers thinking of his sword lying on the entryway table. Cito. The spell flashed through his head but stopped before leaving his lips. He had been practicing calling his weapon to his hand, but he could only get it to come a few feet, and he didn't want to risk giving his location away by whispering.

Instead, he crept back towards the closed bedroom door and turned, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness of the hallway. Straining his ears, he heard nothing but the sounds of trains and boats in the distance. Staring into the shadows he could swear that he saw something move but then it was gone. Holding his breath, he reached out with his mind. He knew that he could feel other mages through touch, but he had been wondering about telepathy. But there was nothing. Nothing but his own thoughts careening into each other over the sound of his heart pounding.

Finally, Gabriel stood up and started down the hall. If he could just get to his sword and put up a protection spell, he could take just about anyone without a gun. He rounded the corner and could see the ruby hilt on the table, but his foot let out a loud squeak on the wood floor. Immediately ducking, he heard a knife whiz over his head as he whispered, "Cito!" His sword clattered to the floor before sliding across the hardwood into his firm grip. "Cingo." He felt the magical shield envelop him as he retreated into the kitchen, the cold tile reminding him of his lack of any other armor. He moved to the stove, searching the cupboard beneath, and hoping that Asher had at least thought to have his decorator give his brother pots and pans. Finding a stainless-steel lid, Gabriel tried not to think about how ridiculous he looked using it as a shield. Another knife flying by pushed all thoughts other than survival from his head.

Feeling the rubies heating up under his hand and around his neck, Gabriel charged out into the hallway. He blocked a glinting blade hurling at him with his large lid. The dagger stuck into the steel but did not reach him.

"That is enough, assassin," he called, not willing to be hunted any longer. "Come out and fight with honor. If you wish to kill me, at least give me the opportunity to return the favor."

"Gabe?" A voice came from behind the sofa in the living room.

"Olivia?" he asked in disbelief. "Why are you trying to kill me?"

"I thought that you were someone Ash sent to kill you!" She stood still dressed in her suit from the office with a knife in her hand at the ready. "What are you wearing?"

"I was on my way to the shower." Gabriel became painfully aware of his boxers, sword, and pot lid ensemble. He held the makeshift shield in front of his bare chest in a rare attempt at modesty. He lifted regularly and always took pride in his body but with the defeats of the day, he was feeling oddly vulnerable. "How did you get in here anyway? The security is top of the line."

"Security is my business, Gabe." She sheathed the knife under her skirt on her tan thigh. "Plus..." She reached for the dagger in the pot lid but hesitated. Instead, she turned and went toward the end of the hallway. "I felt bad about earlier today and wanted to see..." Her voice trailed off as she did.

"You wanted to see if I was okay," he said not knowing how he felt about that.

"Yeah," she said picking up another knife off the floor and strapping it inside her jacket.

"Look, Olivia," he said setting down his weapon and shield. "I should be the one apologizing and seeing if you are okay. I acted like a jerk. I was pissed at Ash, and I took it out on you. I'm sorry."



"You're smoother than I thought. Do you apologize at the drop of a hat to all the girls?"

"Well, I'm not usually wrong."

"Ha!" She crossed to him and surveyed his black silk boxers. "Even arrogant in your underwear."

"Is there a better time?" He laughed, feeling a little like his old self. He hadn't flirted in a long time. Standing almost naked in front of a hot chick alone in his apartment seemed like as good a time as any to start again. If he were going to get his company back, first he would have to get his old confidence back. And with Jade officially out of the picture and Bri out of reach, it was much easier to see what everyone else saw in Olivia. She was gorgeous with her intelligent chocolate eyes and incredibly strong body and will. Her eyes narrowed at his appraisal, and he knew that she had figured out what he was thinking. He struck a GQ pose and said, "Are you sure that you just didn't want to be alone with me?"

"I wasn't expecting you to get naked when you walked through the door." She drew out of his reach. "I can't believe that you didn't think to check the apartment before you showered."

"I thought that my day really couldn't get any worse," he said not wanting to talk business. "But now, it has gotten a thousand times better."

"Gabe," Olivia started putting a hand on his chest to stop his advance but was interrupted by a loud knock. Both of their heads snapped to the front door. She whispered in his ear, "Are you expecting someone?"


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