Chapter 16

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"What on earth are you wearing?" Jade's voice wafted through Gabriel's open door

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"What on earth are you wearing?" Jade's voice wafted through Gabriel's open door.

"I'm at work, Jade." He could hear Olivia's tart reply. "This is like my uniform, unlike your get-up for the middle of the afternoon."

"This is for dinner. Tonight." Jade sailed into his office in a skintight black cocktail dress with a plunging neckline. She threw her long fur coat over a chair and headed straight for the booze. Her hair was swept up in fat blonde ringlets that bobbed as she nodded in his direction. "Dinner with the former Ambassador to England deserves a little glam."

"A little?" Gabriel asked, taking in her outfit. Her heels must have been at least four inches. Black velvet with black lace trim. "What dinner are you talking about?"

"Ash said that we have dinner with the fam tonight."

"Since when did you and Ash get so close?"

"When you two killjoys left the other night we actually had fun together." She smiled over the rim of her crystal glass. "And I stepped up last night when you bailed on the investors. What would you do without me?"

"I worried what Ash would do with you." He tried to joke, but he felt distinctly uncomfortable as Jade slithered her arms around his neck and Olivia entered the room.

"I'm sorry for interrupting," Olivia said stumbling back out of the room.

"You're not!" he called as he unwound himself from Jade's grasp. "You're going, too."

"I am?" Olivia asked, turning around.

"She is?" Jade asked, looking back and forth between them.

"Sure." Gabriel moved an equal distance between them. "She's my protection."

"Don't be silly." Jade laughed. "I can protect you." She lifted her skirt to reveal a dagger strapped just above her black silk thigh-high inside her garter belt. "You're always safe with me, lover."

"Yes, but-" He tried to think fast but it was distinctly harder with the expanse of perfectly bronze leg in front of him. Forcing himself to turn his head, he focused on Olivia, who looked more than a little annoyed with her sister. He thought about which one he would rather bring to a family supper. "I'd like Olivia to meet my aunt, uncle, and cousins as well."

"You've never wanted to introduce me to any of your family?" Jade pouted.

"They've never been in town, baby." Gabriel tried to smooth things over and felt ridiculous. "So why don't you both come? You can meet us at the restaurant. My uncle and I have some business to discuss first."

"Fine," was all Olivia said, and he wondered how pissed she was.

"Fine." Her sister echoed, and Gabriel already knew how pissed Jade was.

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