Chapter 14

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Gabriel was relieved that his brother left without further inquiry into his whereabouts the night before

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Gabriel was relieved that his brother left without further inquiry into his whereabouts the night before. He could use Jade as a cover, but then she would want to know where he was. When did I become accountable to so many people? This wasn't the first time that he wished he was in New York alone. Or with just Bri. He stopped his mind there and forced a smile at Olivia when she appeared with the coffee.

"Well, that's a smile for an asshole if I've ever seen one," Olivia said setting the tray on a side table. "Meeting with Ash went that well, huh?"

"As well as could be expected," Gabriel said accepting a cup of coffee from her. He could get used to this. She poured one for herself and sat across from him. He could see a hint of a blade twinkling under her skirt. It took all of his effort to tear his eyes from her lap to her face. "His panties are in a bunch over last night. I didn't show up for a celebratory business outing."

"He doesn't know where you really were?"

"Ash doesn't know about any of my extracurricular activities. And I'd like to keep it that way."

"Okay." Olivia stirred her coffee before saying, "Is that because you still think that he may be trying to kill you or because you don't trust him in general?"

"Let's say both." Gabriel took a long sip of his coffee and let the liquid sear him to the center. He longed for the days when political intrigue with his brother meant who was going to win homecoming king. They had always been competitive, what twins weren't, but for Gabriel, GIG wasn't something worth dying for. He wasn't so sure about Asher. "As far as I know, Ash doesn't even know about our mother's involvement in the attacks."

"Are you ever going to tell him?"

"I don't know. I don't even know if he'd believe me."

"Why do you say that?"

"Ash and I haven't always gotten along. I was the oldest and, therefore, my father's favorite and so he was my mother's. During the divorce, he always defended her to me. I can't see him turning his back on her now."

"Even with her taking part in murdering millions of people?" Olivia asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Ash would probably say that she had her reasons." Gabriel couldn't help but laugh. He cut it off when he saw the appalled look on Olivia's face. "Hey, I'm sure that Jade wouldn't have many qualms about your dad's involvement."

"My father wasn't involved." Olivia flinched at the sound of her cup clattering on the desk in front of her.

"Olivia, he was at the secret meeting at the Alexanders' house before we demonstrated against them using nukes on Texas." He immediately felt guilty at the shock on her face. "You didn't know?"

"Did Jade?" Olivia asked, her bronzed face going pale.


"But he's not black ops. He told me over and over again. He can't be part of this."

"I don't know the extent of his involvement." Gabriel came around the desk and sat in the chair next to her. He wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know how, even though he was an expert in finding out your father wasn't who you thought he was. "He may have just come on board after the attacks. You guys were in Long Beach. I'm sure that President Alexander just recruited him after all was said and done. I didn't see him at their rally."


"There was a meeting of all the people responsible. President Alexander held it. It was where I found out everything. I didn't see your father there. So, he is probably not that involved."

"What does Jade know?" Olivia looked up.

"All she knows is that your father is in close with those in charge; he is Secretary of Homeland Security after all," Gabriel explained what he knew. He hated to out Jade to her sister, but if Olivia was going to be helping him, she needed to know what her family may be up to. And then whether or not she trusted them was up to her. "I don't think that she knows anything about the attacks. She was pretty upset that Christian defected to Texas, but she doesn't seem all that concerned with what your father is doing. I'm sorry, Olivia. I thought you knew all this."

"It's okay." She swallowed. "I'm sure my father's just trying to protect me."

"I'm sure that's it." He impulsively took her hand, and she didn't pull away.

"I'm learning all kinds of new things with you, Gabriel Gerard." She managed a weak smile. "Horrible things, but new things nonetheless."

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