Chapter 8

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At his office, Gabriel managed to focus enough to get his portion of the presentation for the investors finished

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At his office, Gabriel managed to focus enough to get his portion of the presentation for the investors finished. Asher was nowhere to be found, and he was down to one day to get the rest of it done. Resisting the urge to do it for him, Gabriel welcomed the knock on his door.

"I'm not wearing this," Olivia said as she entered. She was in a very conservative navy suit with a skirt down past her knees and a ruffled blouse that matched the Founding Fathers in the paintings decorating the office. "I can't move in this. It is too constraining and has nowhere to keep anything. How am I supposed to protect you? With these giant shoulder pads? I look ridiculous!"

"The receptionist took my request a little too far." It was the first time he wanted to smile all day. "Take it to my tailor and have it fitted however you want."

"You think this is funny?" She could already read his expressions well. "I'll tell you what's funny-"

"Mr. Gerard," the phone on Gabriel's desk interrupted her, "Mr. Alexander is here to see you."

"The president's here?" Olivia stared at the door.

"No, it's his son, Nicholas." Gabriel did laugh this time. "She would have said President Alexander if it was him."

"Oh, yeah." Her cheeks tinged pink. "Duh."

"Now be a good secretary and open the door." He couldn't resist and smiled when she glared at him as she opened the door. He was feeling better already. He stood and said, "Nick, how are you doing today?"

"Well," Nicholas said removing his hat and taking the hand extended to him. "You look like shit."

"Thanks." Gabriel indicated for his guest to sit and turned to Olivia. "That will be all, Miss Leon."

"She looks familiar," Nicholas said graciously ignoring her slamming of the door. "Who is she? Is she related to the Secretary of Homeland Security, James Leon?"

"Yes, that's her father." Gabriel sat back down.

"She's Christian's cousin." Recognition came into Nicholas's voice. He had served with Christian Leon in the United States Army until his friend had decided to join his father, former Secretary of Defense, Richard Leon, in heading up the New Republic of Texas's army. He glanced at the door. "What is she doing here?"

"Now she's my personal secretary," Gabriel said. "On to business, what does my good president need from me today?"

"The usual." The president's son reached into his briefcase, pulled out a tablet, and handed it across the desk. He leaned back in the plush office chair undoing a few buttons on his uniform. He had his father's dark chestnut hair, but his emerald eyes were a genetic gift from his mother. He was tall like most of the Alexanders and his legs resisted being forced into the chair. "As you can see, he needs more money. The European Union has lost all access to its gold reserves, Canada is tapped dry, and the South American countries still don't trust us. You would think Russian and Chinese warships filling the Pacific Ocean would motivate them, but maybe they want to learn a new language."

"The same amount as last time?" All correspondence was in code, but numbers were never even put in writing. There was too much risk in the People's Federation of Asia finding out how much the US could afford to defend itself. The president trusted only his son to relay information to his allies.


"Excuse me?"

"Your mother said it wouldn't be a problem."

"Unfortunately for President Alexander, the Vice President doesn't speak for Gerard International Group." Gabriel sighed trying not to kill the messenger. "I will give the president what he asks for, but I need a guarantee that my company will be able to make its investment back when we have won."

"Contracts in Europe?" Nicholas added with only a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Or a kingdom, perhaps?"

"Ha, ha. I figured that he would be making you their prince." Gabriel laughed. "How long are you staying this time?"

"A couple of days."

"You should have dinner with us tonight."

"I can't," Nicholas said standing. "I have other engagements."

"Alright then." Gabriel showed him to the door. "Travel safely, my friend."

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