Chapter 12

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I didn't understand Daniel. One second he was all weird and bickering with me and the next moment he tried to kiss me? He had brought another girl to the party.

I slammed my locker door shut with my books in hand and went to meet Chrissy at her locker. By the look on her face, I could tell she was annoyed.

Being the great friend that I was, I decided to ask her about it. I've been told I was a very blunt person but I couldn't help it. I hated when people beat around the bush so I didn't want to be a hypocrite and do exactly what annoyed me.

"You okay? What happened?" I asked.

"Ugh! He is just so aggravating!" She exclaimed, slamming her locker door shut so hard I think I almost saw a screw become loose. "I just want to grab a knife and behead him!"

I widened my eyes in shock. "Who are you talking about?"

"Troy!!" She exclaimed. "He thinks he's the total package and every time I act nicely towards him, he just acts bipolar and focuses on another girl!"

I smirked at her, knowingly. "Chrissy. You sound jealous."

She gave me a weird look. "Psh no. Of course I'm not jealous. I hate him."

"I doubt it," I teased her.

"What about you and Daniel?" She asked, attempting to change the subject. "I doubt you guys hate each other. I mean, Ashley did catch you guys almost kissing."

"Chris, our hatred is much different," I said, calming. It was like I was trying to convince myself more than her. I had no idea where our hatred? Friendship? was headed. "Ours is actually legit."

She snorted. "Yeah right. I would say mine and Troy's was more legit. We have never almost kissed."

She was getting defensive so I could tell she wanted to hate him but she couldn't. I knew she secretly liked him but she didn't want to admit it. I also knew that Troy might even like her as well. They just had to admit their feelings towards each other and they'd be together. They were just both too stubborn.

"Sure..." I said, teasing her more.

"Honestly, I don't know," she said softly. "I'm confused."

I gave her a small smile. "Don't worry. Just give it some time. You haven't even known him for very long yet. Well, the real him and not the asshole jock. For now, just sit back and enjoy life. Maybe even forget guys and hang out with your best friend," I joked.

The bell rang just in time and we parted ways to our next classes. The whole time during the walk to my class and during class, I couldn't stop thinking about the situation I was in. He was about to kiss me! And I let him!

I knew Chrissy and Troy were starting to develop feelings towards each other even if they visibly seemed like they hated each other. But I couldn't help but think, am I next?

Did I actually like Daniel?

Nah, I was just drunk and happy.

Maybe this was his revenge to me. He wanted me to think about the almost kiss nonstop and he probably never thought about it again once. After all, he did have Luke's ex, Auguste. Speaking of which, I still had to ask him what he and Auguste talked about.

"Bonnie said the concert doesn't start until 6 so we can go back to our homes after school. Brody will be picking us up individually to head to the concert so we should all be ready by 5:30," Daniel announced at the lunch table later that day.

I threw him a confused look. "What?" He asked, turning to me.

"You went without me," I pointed out the obvious. Usually, we went to Bonnie's office together at the start of lunch.

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