Chapter 6

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"Give me 10 laps, then you guys can do your stretches," Coach Melody ordered us as she blew her whistle. The coaches had both teams run early morning practices now that we had bonding after school. It was torture.

Everyone groaned and started running around the perimeter of the gym. On our ninth lap, we began to slow down.

Usually, Coach Melody would be counting our every lap and would yell at us to pick up the pace. I took a glance at the bleachers and to my surprise, Coach Melody was just on her phone texting. I noticed her giggling once in awhile as she continued to type on her phone.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. Whatever, it's probably nothing.

Once we finished our last lap, we began doing stretches.

"Listen up ladies," Coach Melody called out to us. "Something just came up so I have to leave. Kennedy, you're in charge of running practice!" She grabbed her things quickly and exited the gym without another word.

Okay, this was seriously getting weird. Coach Melody never once missed a practice or game. She also never left early because she was committed to her job.

After practice, we all showered in the locker rooms. I changed into my sweatpants and slipped into my shoes. I threw a hoodie over my body and blow dried my hair so it wouldn't get frizzy throughout the day.

"Don't you think Coach Melody is acting weird lately," Chrissy asked me as we finished getting dressed and showering.

I nodded. "Exactly what I was thinking."

"Yeah, she's super giggly. She's definitely in love," Ashley added. "I would know that better than anyone."

"Because you get like that with Kendrick," Jenny added, smirking.

Ashley rolled her eyes. "I might like him."

My eyes widened. We had always knew that but she had never actually admitted it to us before. I looked around and my other friends had the same reaction.

"Wow, this is progress," Jenny said, nodding her head in approval.

Ashley and Jenny seemed like opposites. I didn't understand how they were best friends but it worked. Ashley was blonde and very girly. She enjoyed dressing "cute" and loved bright pastel colors. Jenny was the opposite. She wore more dark colors and had dark hair. They complemented each other really well. Chrissy and I had become closer to them compared to the rest of our team because they were the ones to introduce themselves to us first.

"Let's stop by Bonnie's to pick up the tickets for today so we don't have to do it after school. We have time before school starts," I suggested to my friends. They all nodded.

Once we reached her office, we opened the door when we heard a voice telling us to come in. On the entire walk over to Bonnie's office, I was eavesdropping on Ashley and Jenny talking about Kendrick. Now all we had to do was get Jenny to admit that she liked Julius.

I smiled at that thought. Maybe this bonding thing could also bring them closer.

"Hello girls," Bonnie smiled, clapping her hands together. "I have a dinner reservation for you guys at a famous five star buffet. Here are the things you guys will be needed." She handed us a plastic bag filled with paper and other things.

I decided to ask her a question that was on my mind. "Does Coach Melody have plans today?" I asked her.

"Oh yes, with Coach Harris. They also have a dinner reservation but at the steak house next door," She told us. "Why?"

I gave her a sweet smile. "No reason."

I put the bag of supplies in my backpack as we exited her office. After we were out of earshot, I turned to my friends. "We're going to that steak house to spy on Coach Melody and Coach Harris."

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