Chapter 1

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The referee blew the whistle and the server on the other team, number 28, served the ball. Vanessa Somerset, number 28, was one of the best hitters on the Bridgewood volleyball team and she just so happened to be their team captain.

Bridgewood High School was the only other high school besides ours in the town, making it our rival team. We competed against each other in both sports and academics. Although Bridgewood out competed us in academics, we always dominated them in athletics.

My primary position on the team was the setter position. As team captain, I would occasionally have to run practices and get the team hyped up and motivated before each team. I had the responsibility of making sure my team was in good shape and that everyone was okay to play their best game.

The ball swiftly flies over the net and my teammate passes the ball directly to the me. I push the ball in a perfect arch just as the outside hitter slams the ball onto the other side of the court and we scored a point.

Jenny Pittman, the girl who hit the ball, smiled in victory, pumping her arm into the air. The rest of the team gave her a pat on the back before we returned back to our positions. It was the third set and the score was currently tied 14-14. We needed 2 more points to win the game.

The next serve went by in a blur as the other team slammed the ball down on us and we failed to return it.

15-14 Bridgewood.

Vanessa from Bridgewood stuck her tongue out at me which I just rolled my eyes at. She was annoying.

After another serve and a few more passes, we ended up losing that game. So much for dominating them in athletics.

After the game, the whole aura around me felt gloomy and dark. I really didn't take losing easily. Everyone was shuffling out of the gym because we were the last game of the night. I could faintly hear the Bridgewood team laughing and cheering outside in the parking lot. I sighed as I looked at how happy and smug they looked.

Vanessa winked at me when caught me looking over at them. I held up my middle finger at her and turned away, walking towards my mom's car. Her and my dad were waiting for me because they knew I liked talking to my teammates after every game.

"It's okay, we'll get them next time," my best friend, Chrissy, said as she jogged up next to me. She nudged me, causing me to give her a small smile. "Just ignore them."

I sighed. "I don't even want to face Daniel tomorrow."


"I heard you lost to Bridgewood on Sunday," Daniel Meyer brought up the next day with smirk. He was the captain and starting quarterback of the football team and most importantly, my enemy.

I knew he would bring it up.

"I guess Vanessa is hot and athletic," Daniel smirked.

I fucking hate him.

"Yeah well we could've won if we actually tried," I defended. I felt the need to defend my team because over the years that I have played volleyball, I've grown closer with all my teammates and they felt like family to me. "And your taste in women suck."

"Besides that's just one match," Chrissy added from beside me.

Daniel scoffed. "Well we haven't lost a game yet." He loved to brag and rub his teams' wins in my face every chance he got.  It got quite annoying because his team rarely lost any games.

"Yeah whatever... Hope you lose on Wednesday," I glared at him. "With you there, I'm sure that'll be easy."

"Don't pretend like you don't know I'm the best on the team," Daniel teased, ruffling up my hair. "You love to watch me play."

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