Chapter 4

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Oh shit. Oh shit. What do I pick?

On one hand, I didn't want to reveal anything embarrassing but on the other hand, I didn't want to be dared to do something like kissing a random person.

"Uhh... truth," I decided to go with the safer option.

"Who's the hottest guy on the football team?" Troy asked with a mischievous look in his eyes.

Everyone's eyes were on me as they waited for my response. Everyone knew about the feud that the volleyball team and football team had with each other so my answer seemed to really interest everyone.

"Is it too late to pick dare?" I asked, chuckling nervously. I fiddled with my thumbs because that's what I did when I was anxious. I really didn't wanna answer the question.

"Yes," Ashley piped up. I bet she really wanted to know the answer to the question also.

I sighed. "Daniel," I mumbled. I could acknowledge that although he was my rival, he was the most physically attractive out of all his teammates. Physically. Personality wise was a whole different story.

"What? I can't hear you," Troy asked, cupping his hand behind his ear.

"Daniel," I stated, a little louder so that everyone could hear. The whole room went quiet as they looked at me in shock. No one said a single word. I guess they didn't actually imagine me to admit it.

This went on for a couple of minutes. Even Daniel looked at me in shock. It was like no one could process me saying something nice about him.

"Okay guys, it really isn't that deep. Can we move on?" I groaned, taking a sip of my beer. I really needed it at that point because I was already embarrassed enough and alcohol would help me loosen up.

"Okay! I think that's a good note to end on," Ashley finally spoke up, giggling. "Let's party!"

The circle dispersed and some people went upstairs to see what was going on while others were playing beer pong downstairs. I stood up, dusting the lint off my black leggings.

"What an interesting game, right?" Luke chuckled, as he stood up next to me.

"Yeah," I laughed. "At least you didn't have to do anything embarrassing. You got lucky."

"I wish I could've had the chance to kiss you though," he replied, giving me a small smile. I felt a brush creeping onto my cheeks. It was the worst being able to blush super easily because it always gave away when I was embarrassed. I blamed it partially on my pale skin.

"Maybe next time," I giggled, returning the smile.

Ew, what was happening to me? Why was I giggling like a little girl with a crush on a boy.

Oh wait.

I definitely had a huge crush on him.

"Kennedy, can I talk to you?" Daniel suddenly asked from behind me, sounding incredibly annoyed. His voice made me jump slightly.

Had he been there the entire time?

"I'll go look for Chase," Luke told me. "Let's hope he isn't embarrassing himself."

I chuckled. "Okay, let me know if you need help with him. He can't go home blacked out. Our parents would kill us."

"I'll make sure he's okay," Luke assured. He gave me another smile as he went upstairs to look for my brother.

I turned towards Daniel and sighed. "What do you want?"

"Sorry my presence ruined your mood that badly," Daniel suddenly snapped at me. My jumped at the sudden change in his tone.

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