Back in Action

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I woke up at 8 to hear the girls crying. they could sleep through the night for the most part which was nice. I rolled out of bed and walked across the hallway to their room. I changed Skylar's diaper before changing Rylie's. go and get them bottles but as I opened the door I saw John standing in the doorway holding two bottles. he fed Sky while I fed Rylie.

El came over soon after to pick up the girls so she could babysit them while John and I went to the rink for the optional skate. we got into John's car and I held his hand as we drove to the rink. I was shaking my leg and fiddling with my hair the whole ride while John laughed at my nervousness. once we got into the rink everyone was giving me strange looks.

when we walked into coach Q handed me a local magazine with me on the front page. it had the headline "Ariel Mitchell pregnant for the second time?" there was a picture of my with my hands on my stomach.

John looked over my shoulder and read it and we looked at each other before starting to laugh hysterically. we couldn't imagine having another kid when our twins were still so young.

"I guess that is what all the funny looks were for." John said. I nodded and we continued on our way to the dressing room. I pulled out my phone and tweeted

just to clear up any confusion I'm not pregnant.

I turned off my phone and changed into my gear. I was the first one out and it was warming up feeling my nerves die down with each stride. by the end of practise my nerves were gone. I was able to control the puck better and my shots were going where I wanted.

El was watching the girls all day so John and I grabbed lunch on the way home before I went and had a pregame nap. our game started at 8 and I woke up around 3. I had a quick shower before I did my make-up and threw on a plaid dress with my black stilettos. John and I drove over in separate cars so I could get in unnoticed. I snuck in a back entrance and met john in the dressing room.

I changed into my compression shorts with my Hawks sweatpants over them and a sports bra. I wanted to make sure everyone could see that I wasn't pregnant. I went through some back routes on my run and ran into Cody. he had been traded during the off season to Anaheim.

we stopped and stared at each other for a few seconds

"I heard you're pregnant again." he said reaching for my stomach.

I pushed his hands away "Don't touch me you creep."

"oh come on I'm just having some fun with you babe." he said as he walked closer. I kept backing up until I was up against the wall. he had his hand on my jaw squeezing it and forcing me to look at him "I'd be more then happy to help."

he couldn't finish the sentence before a fist collided with his jaw.

"don't ever talk to her like that got it?" I heard John say "and if you touch her again I swear to go I'll kill you."

I saw Cody get up as I stood behind John. John hand hi arm stretched out keeping me from lunging at Cody. he looked between John and I before saying

On the Ice a Jonathan Toews love storyWhere stories live. Discover now