game day

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Ariel's POV

i woke up in the morning with a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. when  i opened my eyes i realized that i was cuddled up next to John with my head and hands pressed gently against his chest. as i looked around i noticed that i was actually laying on top of him. i tried to get off of him without waking him up but it didn't work because as soon as i moved he woke up.

he looked down at me and gave me the most adorable and sleepy smile. with his morning voice he asked "where do you think you're going?"

"i have to get ready for practise."i said rolling of of him 

"it's 7:30 in the morning" he said checking the clock beside us "practise isn't for another 3 hours now get over here and cuddle with me so i can go back to bed."

i just laughed and snuggled my back into his chest and soon we were both asleep.

i woke up to a flash and opened my eyes to find half the team crowded around my bed with their cameras out.

i turned to see John out cold beside me so i nudged him and soon he was grumbling at the boys to get out of our room.

after they left he apologized but i told him it was fine and that boys would be boys.

he had to shower before we left for practise so i ordered a breakfast of fruit and yogurt for me and an ham and cheese omelet for him.

i answered the door when breakfast came and knocked on the bathroom door to let him know breakfast was here. then noticing the time i went to quickly get dressed. before i could get the dress on though i heard john say

"sorry i didn't know you were changing"

i turned around wearing nothing but my black and red laced bra and underwear. i quickly through my tight black dress with cut out meshed sides on and got him to help me zip it up the whole time he kept apologizing until i finally said

"john it's fine you didn't see any more then you would have if i were in a bikini so sit down and eat your breakfast.

John"s POV

i walked out of the bathroom after hearing Ariel say breakfast was hear.i was thinking about how good it felt to sleep with her in  my arms  when i walked out though i saw he in only her bra and underwear. i quickly apologized and helped her zip up her dress which fit her perfectly. my god she was beautiful. i knew then that i had to make her mine. after my favorite breakfast we walked down to the lobby and met the rest of the team.

Kaner walked over to me and asked Ariel and asked

"you don't mind if i steal johnny boy way from you for the bus ride do ya Ariel?" 

she just giggled and shook her head no. gog her laugh was so cute.

as soon as we were out of ear shot Pat said

"you like her don't you?"

i just blushed and looked down in response,

he laughed and patted me on the back and told me to go get her. the rest of the ride we talked about our up-coming game against the kings.


Ariel's pov

the ride over to the rink i sat with sharpy. we was a really sweat guy and could read me like an open book. he said

"you like Tazer don't you?"

all i could do was blush and nod yes in response

"well i know he feels the same about you. I've never seen him act this way around a girl before." we walked into the visitor's dressing room together i quickly found my stall with all my gear hanging up in it. i had shapie on my left side and Kris Versteeg to my right. John was difectly acrossed from me and gave we a smile when he sat down in his stall.

i quickly changed out of my dress and through on a sport's bra and leggings but all the guys just stared at me the whole time. finally i said

"you didn't see anything besides if were going to play on the same team you're all going to have to get used to me being in my bra and underwear."

they just nodded and shrugged in agreement before changing into their equipment.

practise went well and i was able to compete with all the guys.

after practise we went to the hotel for a pre game nap where johnathan promptly took off his dress shirt and replaced his dresspants for a pair of sweats. the then crawled into bed and patted the spot next to him. i walked over and asked hi mto unzip my dress for me. he gently undid the zippergiving me chills up my spine. he stopped sudenly and said

"you have a tatoo? i never relised."

"ya it's usually hidden by my bra or shirt i guess you couldn't see it across the locker room today."

"what does it mean?"

"it's a lilly representing my Nana. she was one of the few people in my life who always had my back." i said with a single tear running down my face, "she passed away when i was twelve from breast cancer."

John wipped the tear away off my face with his large thumb while pulling me into a bear hug. all he wispsered was "I'll always be there for you no matter what. I promise." and with that he wrapper his large pinky around my tiny thin one before grabbing my hand and kissing my open palm.

after i threw john's shirt on i cuddled up next to him and fell asleep.

this time i woke up to the beeping of his alarm clock and John gently shaking me awake.

"it's time to bet ready for the game" he says taking my hands and pulling me off the bed.

i look at the clock and see i have an hour and a half to get reeady so i plug in my curling iron and get my make-up out on the counter. while my iron heats up i get dressed into a red silk button up shirt and a black flared skirt that comes to my mid thigh. i add my pink breast cancer ribbon necklase that i wear to all my games so i have a peice of my nana to cheer me on. soon i begin to curl my hair. just as i finish john walks out of the bathroom in nothing but boxers. he grabs his suit and runs back in to change but before he does he comes over and wispers

"you don't need any make-up you're beautiful just the way you are."

i blush but put on a little make up anyways before slipping into my 6" black heals. John walks out of the bathroom in his suit and my god he looks fantastic.i walk over to him and staighten out his tie while he wraps his arm around my lower back. i don't know what we are at this point but whatever it is i never want it to end. he bends down and kisses my forhead because even though I'm in 6" heals i'm still significantly shorter then him.

thw says tanks and then we head down to meet the guys for the game. 

we ride over to the rink beside eachother. as i step out of the bus i get some strange looks from some of the LA Kings while others just look at me and wolf wistle. i just roll my eyes and keep walking. next time i play them they'll regret doing that.

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