Changes and decisions

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it had been a three months since I had brought Skylar and Rylie home. two months since John's mom had to leave to go back home. one month since I made a decision that would affect the rest of my life. today I had to make my announcement.

I walked the familiar halls of the United Center it Skylar in my arms and Rylie in John's. the team had just come back from a week long road trip. we had drove straight from a check-up at the pediatrician's office where we had the girls assessed for travel since I wanted to fly them out to see my brother and dad. they had been cleared to fly which was a relief.

John had been gone a lot in the three months with few long home stretches. I know he missed seeing his girls but I was able to travel on road trips with the girls if I chose to now. as we passed through the hallways everyone stopped us to see the girls. I would bring them to the rink often to watch John skate and Coach Q adored them. whenever I would bring them to the rink he would take them from me so he could watch them. it was nice seeing his tough exterior crumble around the babies.

El and Patrick were doing really well to and when our boyfriends were on the road we would help each other out and without her I may not have made it through without loosing my mind.

we got into the dressing room and the boys were all milling around before the game this afternoon. I hadn't come to many games since I had the twins but since it was an afternoon game and they would probably be napping I decided to go on the bench and coach. as soon as the boys saw the twins they rushed over and all wanted to hold them. Skylar adored Duncan Keith and would always reach for him when we went to the rink. Rylie though refused to let go of her dad. I had them dressed in their Hawks jerseys with Towes on the back.

I had to leave rather quickly after I said hi to all the boy to do a press conference but John and Keith offered to watch the Girls so I didn't have to during the conferenced and coach Q offered to sit with me for support. it was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make as a mom and an athlete but I was happy with the one I made and I didn't care what anyone thought.

 I walked to the coach's office and knocked on his door

"you ready Q?" I asked fidgeting with my hand

he nodded his head and got up and we walked to the media room together. before we went in coach turned me to face him and said

"I don't care what anyone out there says I'm proud of you Ariel and you have this organization's support in whatever you do."

I smiled and hugged him before we walked in to the room and up to the podium. imeadiatly the cameras started flashing

"Ariel how has life as a mom been?"

"it has been an adjustment. I've been lucky to have so much support from my team and the entire Blackhawk's organization. my family and friends have been amazing and John has been a huge blessing. I couldn't have asked for two better girls though." I said smiling

"where are Skylar and Rylie right now?"

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