Chapter 3- Meet the team

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Ariel's P.O.V

this is insane was all i could think as i got changed and showered. my legs shook as i walked into coach Q's office.

before i knew it i was standing in front of of his door. I quietly knocked and i heard him say "come in " as i entered i saw the GM as well. after we sorted out all the paper work which took a few hours i shook hands with coach and the GM.

 after the signing we all agreed that i would spend the next two weeks practising and traveling with the team before i would actually play. we also agreed to keep the signing under the radar and i would be sort of a surprise to the NHL and Black Hawks' fans.

i knew that i was in for a long journey and that it wouldn't be easy but i was so ready to just get out there and show the world what i was made of.

Coach Q said i should look at getting a new apartment since mine was getting old and run down, he even suggested that i move in with one of the guys on the team.

finally coach asked if i wanted to go watch the team, practise. of course i said yes and followed him to the ice. he said i could have this practise off since i had already practised twice today. i watched as the team skated and moved and then i realized that soon i would be a part of this.

after practise coach Q asked me to join him in the dressing room so he could introduce me to the team. when we walked in most of the guys had finished changing and were waiting for coach to come in to adress them.  

when i walked in the whole room went silent. i kept my head down the whole time but  then coach Q quickly said " alright boys that was some good work out there today but as you know we have been on a bit of a skid in recent days so i decided we needed to bring in a new addition. so please say hello to your new teammate Ariel Mitchell. i expect you to all treat her with respect and as your equal."

Jonathan Towes was the first to get up. He came over to me and shook my hand and said " I look forward to playing with you Ariel welcome to the team." soon after everyone else came and introduced themselves. we all agreed to go out to lunch together and Johnny offered to drive me.


let me know what you think so far hopefully i'll be able to update often but it'll all depend on my school and hockey schedule

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