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Ariel's POV

i sat in the bus next to john with my dad and brother in the isle next to me . we were all talking and i knew they both like John a lot which made me smile for some reason. we arrived at a pizza place that was just down the road from the arena and all filed in.

we decided to just get a whole bunch of pizzas and split them. the owners were nice enough to throw some tables together for us so we could all sit together.

i was half way through my meal when i heard a little voice behind me ask "Could you sign my jersey for me?"

at first i thought she was talking to one of  the guys beside me but then she held a marker out in front of me. i grabbed the marker and asked "Whats your name sweetheart/"


"Well that's a very pretty name" i responded "now turn around so i can sign you jersey for you"

she excitedly spun around and in my neatest hand writing i wrote

to Bella

always follow your dreams. best of luck

Ariel Mitchell 

she thanked be and her mom asked if i could take a picture with her. of couse i agreed and knelt down beside the girl and smiled while her mom snapped a picture. before she left she gave me a hug with i gladly returned while her mom mouthed a thank-you to me.

after i returned to eating my food with a huge smile on my face.

my brother cleared his throat and said he had something he needed to tell me.

"Ariel as you know i've always anted to join the army and i applied a few months ago. I was accepted two days ago i ship out for basic training on Monday."

i didn't know how to respond. on one hand i was really happy for him since i knew it had been a dream of his. but the other half of me was scared for him he could get seriously hurt or worse while he was deployed. i said the only thing that came to my mind at that second

"i'm proud of you Jason. your going to make a great solider, just promise you'll come home safe."

"i promise" he said smiling "i promise"

with that my dad looked at his watch and said it was time for them to get going before my mom got suspiciouse of their guys night. i said good-bye to both and gave them each a huge before i watched them drive off in a taxi.

soon after they left the rest of us decided to leave as well so we all got back on the bus and left for the hotel room.

as soon as my head hit the pillow i was out cold between the break-up with Cody and my first NHL game i was wiped. it did feel weird though not having John next to me.

i woke up in the middle of the night after having a nightmare that my brother had been killed over seas. it should me to the bone and i couldn't seem to get back to bed. i got up in went into the bathroom to try and calm myself down.

the light from the bathroom must have woke John up because he came in and asked

"what are you doing up?"

"i had a bad dream and couldn't fall back asleep." i said witha shaking voice

"do you want to talk about it" he asked as he rubbed my back

"it was about my brother. i somehow ended up in the middle of the war and i saw my brother so i started to run toward him but then out of no where a bad guy came up behind him and killed him. i just ran toward him but when i got there he was in a casket and i was at his funeral." i finished on the verge of tears.

"shh shh it was only a dream. your brother will be fine. now why don't you stay in my bed for the rest of the night so i can keep you safe?"

i agreed and crawled into the bed beside him before cudling into his side and falling back asleep.

On the Ice a Jonathan Toews love storyWhere stories live. Discover now