meet the parents

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it had been a week since we got up to the cottage and El and Pat had to hed home for a weekend to see a doctor and get some ultrasound done. John and i had been dating for nine months now and his parents had been bugging him to meet me. i had talked with them on skype when John would call and they both seemed really nice so when El said she had the doctors appointment John booked his parents a flight for the week.

El and Pat had left early this morning and John was leaving to pick his parents up from the airport, i stayed back since i still wasn't feeling well.

after about an hour my stomach settled and i decided to get up and run Harley and Tucker. i went to change into running shorts and a tank top and hooked their leash around my waist. i ran up to the trail and before i knew it i checked my watch and i had been gone for an hour. i decided to walk back which took me almost two hours. i went in the back door and grabbed the dogs some water before walking into the living room to find John's parents sitting on the couch.

i was covered in sweat and my hair was a mess so it wasn't exactly how i wanted to look when i first got introduced to his parents. i blushed before saying

"sorry i wasn't expecting you home yet i must have lost track of time... oh hi it's nice to finally meet you."

i extended my hand to shake it but Mrs. Towes pushed it away and pulled me into a hug.

"call me Andree" she said

i imediatly felt better knowing she didn't hate me. Mr.towes shook my hand while giving me a sweet smile. i exused myself to clean up before i joined them all in the living room. we sat and talked for a little bit before we all left to grab lunch in town. we talked about the season and what we had planned for the rest of the summer. they were only here for five days and John wanted to spend as much time as possible.


Elli and Patrick got home a few hours ago and now the six of us were all out in a boat. the guys were all fishing while us girls snacked and talked about Elizabeth's pregnancy. she was further along then the doctors had originally thought and was actually six months pregnant instead of four. the three of us agreed to go shopping for the baby's room tomorrow.

suddenly i had the urge to vomit so i leaned over the side of the boat and threw up. John came over and held my hair before saying

"i'm  going to take you back to the cottage and then i'll take you to the doctor in town."

"John it's fine how about i take her instead it'll be easier having female support there." Elizabeth said

"ya i'll go too" Mrs. Towes said it too ten minutes to get back to shore and we left straight for the doctor's office.

it was a quick drive into town and there was no line up at the doctors so i went straight into the room. i waited five minutes before a middle aged man walked in. he looked at a chart before asking

"what seems to be the problem today?"

"i'm puking alot and i don't know why, my whole body is aching and i've been really tired." i answered

"alright there is a few things that could cause that cold, stomach flu, or some more seriouse things like an infetion of the stomach linning or even pregnancy."

"pregnancy?!" i said thinking of some of the symptoms i've had then my stomach dropped relising i was a week and a half late. "do you have any pregnancy tests that i could take to check"

"we have a thirty minute test and then another one that we send off to a lab for comformation." the doctor said

he showwed me into the bathroom where i took the pregnancy test. i was waiting in the room for half an hour before the doctor came in. he looked down at the test before he said

"well miss Mitchell congratulations you're pregneant."

i took a few moments before i got up. i thanked the doctor and asked him  to not tell my family. he asured me he wouldn't but said he would call my cell phone in a few days to confirm that the second test.

i had a million thoughts running through my head but the main one was 'how do i tell John?' we had never talked about kids i had no idea if he even wanted any. then there was the matter of telling his parents like hey i know we just met but i'm carrying your first grandchild.

i must have looked worried because Andree asked

"are you okay?"

"ya it was just a stomach flu i'll be fine in a few days."

i shot Elli a 'we need to talk' look before we all got in the car to drive back home. when we got there the guys were cooking steak. usually i would have stuffed my face but i had so much on my mind i barley touched it. john interupted the silence by saying

"so did the doctor figure out what was wrong?"

"oh ya its just the stomach flu i'll be fine in a few days." i said

after dinner we all cleaned up before i grabbed El and went into the boat house we sat on the bed in her room she looked at me before saying

"whats wrong we both know it's not a stomach flu."

"i'm pregnant." i said

a huge smile grew on her face. she gave me a bear hug before saying

"it's going to be all right. John is going to be so exited. Pat is always saying how John talks about having kids. OMG our babies can be best friends this is going to be so exiting."

suddenly i felt better. somehow i knew everything was going to be fine, i just had to find a way to tell everyone.

we went back to the main cottage and decided to watch a movie. i got tired quickly and decided to go to bed since we were going shopping tomorrow.

the next morning i woke up wrapped in John's arms. i was so comfortable i didn't want to get up but Andree knocked on the door saying we were going in an hour and a half. i grabbed a quick shower and changed and ran down stairs we all piled into my car and drove into town

looking at all the baby stuff started getting me exited about my baby. we managed to find a crib, stroller, car seat, a buch of clothes and some other minor things.

after four hours of shopping we had to go home since John's parents had to leave the next morning at five a.m.

tomorrow i was going to tell John, my main concern was telling management the futur of my career could be on the line.

On the Ice a Jonathan Toews love storyWhere stories live. Discover now