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I was so happy to be back in routine. Destiny was back, the Nevaeh drama was over, and we just moved on with our lives together.

Destiny has been showering me with gifts since she got back, she sent flowers to my job, bought me a new perfume, she even left me some money on table.. but she's not slick, I'm slipping that money right back in her purse next time she comes over. She knows I don't need it..

Of course I got to get my get back, I took her on a nice ass date, bought her dress, and her favorite chocolates.

Honestly, my fear is kind of fading..  I feel like we're opening up to each other more and more. Making more cute core memories, and embarrassing mistakes. I still can't believe I got my period in her bed... she could tell I was so embarrassed as we removed the sheets... I'm like damn, girl grow up! I'm too old for this.. but I felt better about it when she got too drunk  that weekend at my house and I had to hold her hair back as she threw up.

I paced around the house making sure to tuck in loose cords, and straighten up before she came over. We are finally introducing Chanel to Mr. Nubs..

I'm a little nervous. I told Destiny Mr.Nubs doesn't like much of anybody's company let alone a dog.. but she really wanted them to meet so we'll see how this goes. I don't want to be liable for Nubs biting or scratching her.

Chanel is trained.. but she's also still a puppy and she gets a little too excited sometimes.

I heard a knock at my door and smiled big.

I came and opened the door and Destiny came in with Chanel in her pink carrier. Everything she owns it's so girly and aesthetic, it's adorable.

"Hi baby" she said pecking my lips.

Mr. Nubs already suspected something was up. I guess he could smell Chanel. He got up stretching and walked nonchalantly to my bedroom. I made sure to close all the doors so he wouldn't be able to duck off.

Destiny laughed "Nubssss, come back and meet your sister"

I bit my lip hiding my smile. Oh so we're coparenting now?

Destiny put the dog carrier on the couch and crouched down to look at Chanel.

"I'm bout to let you out.. you better act like you have some house training like momma paid for"

She let her out and she stepped out the carrier looking around at her surroundings. Then she started sniffing around, I bet the couch smells like Nubs to her.

We watched as Chanel sniffed her way over to Nubs slowly, like she was tracking his scent.

Nubs was not here for it. He looked at Chanel, then me... then the door.

Like bitch let me in.

Chanel slowly inched closer sniffing Nubs, and at first he let her, then he swatted at her and she jumped back, then crouched down to play.

Needless to say, their time together was interesting. Me and Destiny sat on the couch smoking our blunt and laughing, watching them.

Nubs would slowly and lazily walk to the other side of the room and stare and Chanel from a distance, and poor Chanel was wagging her tail like crazy excited to make a new friend. Every now and then she'd bark at him. She would think Nubs staring at her was an invitation to play and run over, just to get smacked up. But Nubs did better then I though he'd do he was gentle and when he finally got tired of Chanel he sat on top of his cat tower where she couldn't reach him.

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