28 - brains of the operation

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You didn't sleep well that night. Jorge assured you that Brenda knew another way out and Thomas would be with her. Perhaps, he told you that to also assure himself.

Jorge led you to a man called Marcus who could supposedly help you get to the Right Arm. He owned some kind of shady club that made you extremely uncomfortable upon entering.

Apparently, Newt and Minho felt the same way. Because Thomas wasn't there to do so, Minho immediately switched into protective big brother mode upon noticing drunk and drugged men staring at you.

After finally finding Marcus, and, after a while, Thomas and Brenda, you were sitting on a chair next to the bed Thomas was resting on. Jorge was interrogating Marcus on what he knew about the Right Arm.

Suddenly, Thomas stirred in his sleep and woke up. "Hey. Hey. You're okay." Teresa told Thomas, smiling down at him. "Hi. We have to stop meeting like this."

"Welcome back, you ugly shank." Minho smirked, appearing behind Teresa. "You worried me, idiot." you said, flicking his forehead lightly.

You walked over to Newt, who was half sitting, half leaning on a chair. He put his arm around your shoulder and kissed your temple. You looked towards Jorge and Marcus.

"I suggest that you talk! You son of a bitch!" Jorge screamed before punching Marcus, making the man groan in return. "I'm sorry, you're going to have to leave my house."

"Looks like you've been having fun." Newt commented towards Thomas, sending a smirk his way. "Listen. I don't enjoy hurting you. Okay? Where is the Right Arm, Marcus?"

"Wait, this is Marcus?" Thomas asked, now realizing the man had tricked both, him and Brenda. Marcus looked over towards your brother before laughing.

"The kid catches in quick. Are you the brains of the operation?" he asked, sarcastically. You pushed yourself away from the table, Newt dropping his arm from around your shoulders.

You walked towards Marcus and out your boot on his chest, applying enough pressure so the chair would tilt back but he wouldn't fall. His feet stopped touching the ground.

"As a matter of fact, I am the brains of the operation. If you have fifty percent of the intelligence you act like you have, I suggest you start talking to us."

Jorge grabbed Marcus' hair, tiling his head back as you put your foot back on the ground. "I know you know where they're hiding. So you tell us, and we'll make you a deal. You can come with us." he spoke, gesturing between you and him.

"I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides, I made my own deal. You're the one who taught me, never miss an opportunity." Marcus laughed.

"What's he talking about?"

"I'm talking about supply and demand. WCKD wants all the Immunes they can get. I help provide that for them. So I lure the kids in, they get drunk, they have a good time. And then, later, WCKD comes in, they separate the wheat from the chaff." Marcus explained.

"I changed my mind, hermano. I do enjoy hurting you." Jorge grumbled, kicking his boot against Marcus' chest, making the man tumble over.

Jorge pulled out a gun and held it towards Marcus' face. "Talk! Talk!" he screamed. Thomas moved towards both of them, ready to hold back Jorge in case things got
out of hand.

"Okay! Jesus! But I'm not making any promises. These guys like to move around." Marcus spoke. You and Jorge pulled the chair he was sitting on up, so he was now in a normal position again.

"They have an outpost in the mountains. But it's a long way away. You got half of WCKD on your ass. You're never gonna make it." Marcus smirked, looking between you and Jorge.

"Not on foot. Where's Bertha?"

"Not Bertha."

Too good at goodbyes | Newt x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin