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R & D progress. He stood opposite her, listening quietly, sometimes pacing, sometimes asking questions.

    Behind him is a huge glass wall, and the midday sun shines in, casting their figures on the light gray oil painting opposite.

    When it came to the sex, he smiled and danced, completely oblivious to the change in his expression.

    Suddenly, he pushed her against the wall, pressed her chest with both hands, and squeezed hard. 

   Seeing her open her mouth to cry, he immediately blocked her mouth, opened her tongue, and kissed her forcibly.

    She struggled desperately—

    The door opened suddenly, and the sales manager Lin Xi Yue came in. Seeing this scene, she closed the door calmly, turned around and left.

    She finally broke free and escaped, returned home, and stayed up all night: anger, worry, fear...

    This man she had always regarded as her mentor and elder— she thought about it all night, and went to HR to complain the next morning.

    This is where all the nightmares began...

    The voice in her ear gradually became clear: "... let's not talk about the past. Anyway, I am very glad that you can still think of me when you are in trouble, and I am even more glad that I can help you. After your son If there are any health problems that need my father's care, he will be there on call."


    "I hope the grievances between you and me will be settled. You are a core technician. If you join Guan Chao, I will not treat you badly You. I will appoint you as the VP of RND and report directly to the CTO. You can raise any requirements for salary, equity, and options, and I will try my best to meet them. I hope you can help me to promote the cooperation between Guan Chao and Bai An.”

    Min Hui knew it was a good offer without thinking too much. Guan Chao International is a giant in the industry, involving culture and entertainment, e-commerce, corporate services, medical care and other fields. In the AI ​​imaging department alone, the number of employees is three times that of Bai An. It is conceivable how many homogeneous and overlapping projects there are between the two. Guan Chao's acquisition of Bai'an will definitely not accept all of them. According to Min Hui's estimation, at least one-half of the employees will be cut off.

    He looked at her silently, studying her expression and her reaction: "You can think about it for a few days before replying to me. I am determined to win this acquisition. Min Hui, you are excellent, and you are the only one for Bai'an. Irreplaceable core figures. This may not be the case here at Guan Chao. We have a lot of talents, including Tsinghua University, Peking University, Stanford, MIT, ETH, Caltech—everything. Even if you don’t come, you can still take over your project. But If you choose to leave, you will be accompanied by a non-employment agreement, and you will not be able to succeed within two years. You have children and need money, I hope you make a rational choice."

    Seeing Min Hui slowly stirring coffee, Cheng Qi Rang  asked Taking advantage of the opportunity, he moved the plate of cinnamon cakes to her hand: "Eat it, it won't taste good when it's cold."

    "I don't like cinnamon cakes," Min Hui sneered, "This thing looks like a pile of shit. , although there is a layer of cream on it, just like what you said just now."


    "The dog invited me to eat shit, do you think I will eat it?"

    "Don't push yourself to make enemies, Min Hui."

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