27.Chen Jia Jun

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  Inmates in the prison can’t just meet each other. Min Hui is neither a relative nor a friend of Chen Jia Jun, so she had to ask the company to issue a certificate, and then went to the administrative department of Bin Cheng Prison to go through special application procedures.

    According to Xiao Wan from the family tracing website, although Chen Jia Jun had a bad relationship with his adoptive parents, he never knew that he was adopted. It wasn't until the trial that the police contacted his adoptive father that he learned the truth. Prison guards persuaded him to take blood to find relatives, but he was reluctant at first, hesitating again and again, thinking it was meaningless, but he did not expect that the comparison would be successful within three seconds after the blood was put into the warehouse. 

    After knowing the result, Xiao Wan immediately contacted Chen Jia Jun and told his sister Li Chun Miao about the situation, and said that she had been missing for four years because of saving someone from falling into the water. 

   The girl who was rescued was named Min Hui. She hoped to get in touch with him and was willing to arrange and support him in his life after he was released from prison.

    Unexpectedly, Chen Jia Jun said that he did not want to see Min Hui, nor did he want to have any contact with her. 

   Min Hui entrusted Xiao Wan to plead and persuade him for several days before reluctantly agreeing to meet him.

    The interview room looks like a bank counter, half of which is occupied by a row of reinforced glass. After waiting for about twenty minutes, Min Hui was called to sit down at a window. Through the glass, she saw a medium-sized, stocky young man sitting in front of her, with a shaved head, wearing a light blue prison uniform, with shallow facial features, small eyes, wide nose, slightly thick lips, just like Su Tian, He has a typical southern face. Because there is an obvious scar on the left cheek, giving people a vicious impression of a prodigal son on the street. The prison guards said that despite his small size, he was especially good at fighting. No one dared to provoke him in prison.

    Xiao Wan persuaded Min Hui to act cautiously: "Su Tian being a good person does not mean that her brother is also a good person. In the case of Chen Jia Jun: he ran away from home, roamed the streets, undisciplined, fierce and aggressive, which means that he is not easy to get close to, and he is also a good person. It's not easy to deal with, and your mind may not be mature enough, if you blackmail you because of this kindness, or do something out of the ordinary, you will be in trouble."

    Obviously, in the previous few conversations,  Chen Jia Jun did not leave little Wan very happy feeling.

    "No, I must see him." Min Hui said firmly.

    Prisoners and visitors cannot speak directly, but must transmit their voices through microphones. Behind a row of prisoners stood two serious prison guards.

    Seeing Min Hui, Chen Jia Jun picked up the receiver and unconsciously leaned back, as if he felt that the distance between the two was too close and they had to be farther apart.

    "Are you—Jia Jun?" Min Hui's voice trembled because of excitement, "Chen Jia Jun?"

    The young man on the opposite side nodded indifferently.

    "Hi Jia Jun! I'm Min Hui. I've been looking for you for a while. Nice to meet you!"

     Min Hui said enthusiastically.

    He gave a light "hmm".

    "Your sister and I—we met on a bus. She is a warm and kind girl. That day——"

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