47.1-Mai Xiang

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  Xin Qi planned to take the mother and son to eat French food, but Su Quan was unwilling and insisted on eating Chicken McNuggets, so they had to go to a nearby McDonald's.

    Unexpectedly, there was a huge crowd of people inside, packed with parents of their age, and they had to wait for fifteen minutes to find a seat.

    Min Hui observed Xin Qi secretly. With his impatient personality, he would get upset if there were too many people. What's more, there were so many people in the restaurant, and a boy even spilled a cup of ketchup on his shoe. Xin Qi was not angry, but just told Min Hui to protect Su Quan and go to the self-service ordering machine to order food.

    "How many days does your meeting last?" Xin Qi asked while eating the fish-in-the-mouth.

    "Two days, my part is only one day, which is tomorrow."

    "Morning or afternoon?"

    "There is a forum in the morning and a report in the afternoon."

    "Wow, AIMax is a very high-end industry conference. You can make a report alone , it means you are very good."

    Min Hui looked at him and smiled: "I am very good."

    "But not humble enough." He added.

    "It's not necessary in front of you."

   ,Min Hui took a bite of the beef burger, "You always give me low marks, so I have to raise myself so that you can get the correct average." She said again.

    Min Hui glared at him.

    "Father, I can't eat anymore."

   Su Quan's appetite was so great that he ordered a chicken McNuggets and a cheeseburger, but after eating the chicken McNuggets and taking a few bites of the burger, he couldn't eat anymore.

     Stuffing it into Xin Qi's hand, "Eat it, don't waste it."

    Xin Qi took it casually, and ate the remaining hamburger into his stomach in two bites.

    Min Hui was startled for a moment, looking at him, slightly moved.

    Zhou Ru Ji has a serious obsession with cleanliness. He doesn't eat any leftovers, let alone half-eaten food, no matter whether it's Su Quan or Min Hui. 

    Xin Qi was more particular about food, but he didn't think he didn't mind.

    "I haven't eaten McDonald's for a long time, it's been ten years."

   ,Xin Qi suddenly sighed, "When I was in high school, there was a family next to me. I went to eat every day, and I never got tired of eating. I once gained weight, and my mother was in a hurry. "

   " You? Fat?"

    "Yes, I can't take part in strenuous exercise. I stay at home every day and eat more and more fat."

  "What   happened next?"

    "My dad made a quick decision and changed me to a high school. There are only A Greek restaurant. I still go to eat every day, and lost weight again.”

    Xin Qi only chatted about the past when he was in the most relaxed state. Min Hui smiled and looked at him silently.

    He was still handsome, fresh and radiant wherever he sat, with a self-absorbed grace in every gesture. 

   He is wearing a navy blue suit today, light blue shirt, dark gray checked tie, and black oxfords. There is a one-line square scarf folded on the chest pocket, and the hair is neatly arranged. The business model is so hardcore, as if ready to talk about a deal at any time.

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