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"Where did you hear the news? This news must be wrong. "

    "Auntie," seeing her categorically denying it, Xin Qi simply had a showdown, "Since you refuse to tell, then we have no choice but to call the police and let the police investigate this matter." 

    "Report, go ahead and report! The police are all busy, how to investigate what happened 20 years ago? Want to exhaust them? "

   He Xiangu looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, "Don't scare me! Auntie is timid, you scared me to death and you have to support me! "


    "Let's go quickly, don't come again." 

   He Xiangu picked up the bamboo broom on the ground and stood up. Xin Qi thought she was going to make a move, thinking that the old lady looked like an experienced criminal. If there was a conflict, she would pretend to be dead on the spot. There was really nothing he could do. He hurriedly dragged Min Hui out of the courtyard.

    They ran all the way and didn't ask anything. Min Hui was very unwilling. Seeing He Xiangu's stubborn attitude and tight-lipped words, she was even more angry: "No, I have to ask her, this matter can't be left alone! "

    After that, she stomped his feet and wanted to break in again. Leng might as well make a "click" on the courtyard door and lock it from the inside.

    The two looked at each other.

    "What should I do?" Min Hui wiped the sweat from her forehead.

    "Isn't there another uncle Yao?" 

    Xin Qi said, "Let's go ask him?" 


      The two waited outside the courtyard for a while, but no one came out, so they decided to go to the earthen restaurant at the entrance of the village to inquire first.

   When they arrived at the restaurant, they found that the door was open and there were no customers inside.

     Instead, there was a man peeling garlic sitting on a bamboo chair at the

    There was a bald old man with a radio and a jug on the ground. The old man was enjoying himself while peeling garlic, listening to the opera and drinking a little wine.

    Min Hui and Xin Qi looked at each other and shouted in unison: "Uncle ! "

    "Hey." The old man responded, thinking they were here for dinner, he quickly gave up his seat inside, "What do you two want to eat?" 

    "Is there any valley flower fish? "

      Xin Qi immediately said, "Braised in soy sauce?" 

    "Yes, yes." The old man pointed to the menu on the wall, "Is it just one dish?"

    Xin Qi ordered four of the most expensive dishes on the wall, and ordered a bottle of Erguotou.

    Immediately grinning from ear to ear, "I'll ask my wife to cook, please sit down."

    After a while, the dishes were all served, and the old man poured wine for them.

   Min Hui didn't drink, and just wanted a bottle of juice. Xin Qi pulled the old man onto the chair and poured him a glass: "Uncle, I think you can drink a lot, come and have a few drinks with me?"

   When the old man heard this, his eyes lit up, he sat down hastily, and took the cup.

    Min Hui handed over the bowls and chopsticks: "Oh, it's logical, uncle shouldn't drink with you. But, the Erguotou is more than 50 degrees Celsius, I'm afraid you will get drunk if you drink it alone, so I'd better help you share some of it."

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