60.1-Yalu River

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   Her face became flushed, her eyes were a little disappointed, but she was also expected, she smiled embarrassedly, bowed her head and fell into silence.

    Seeing that she didn't look up after pinching her fingers for a long time, he changed the subject: "Actually, I have something to look for you."

   " Oh?" She raised her face, the blush on her face did not fade, and her eyes fell on the window sill. On a pot of orchids.

    "I want to do a paternity test, the kind that is valid in the judiciary."

  He took out a form and several printed documents from his bag: "Here is the application form and the commissioned test agreement, you need to sign. Then we will make an appointment.

    At this time, the three of you will go to the forensic identification center to take samples together, do you think it's okay?"

    His voice was very soft, with rare gentleness and politeness.

    She took it over and looked at it carefully, and asked, "Are all three of you going? Can you and Su Quan go?"

  "  I've asked carefully. There are two types of paternity tests: 'personal test' and 'judicial test'. This is the case, only forensic identification has legal effect.

   When Su Quan grows up, he may need to go through some procedures, such as visa, study abroad, immigration, overseas medical treatment, or inheritance.

   I need a strong proof of father-son relationship."

   "Inheritance "?

      She was taken aback, "Whose inheritance? Yours?"


     He nodded, "I've put him in my will. I'm not married, and my parents and brother are rich enough not to need me Therefore, Su Quan is the sole heir to my property. If Su Tian is still alive, so is she."

   "Isn't this...too early?"

    She looked at his young face, dazed for a moment, "Are you Thirty years old."

    "Not early. I have a heart attack and may die suddenly at any moment."

    She bit her lip and said, "Okay."

    Then she picked up a pen and signed quickly: "Let me know in advance when we make an appointment. .”

    He didn’t expect her to be so straightforward, he was slightly surprised: “Yes, thank you.”

    After Su Quan came back, Min Hui played with him for an hour and then left. 

   The baby is changing so fast, he is not so clingy anymore, and the habit of breastfeeding has disappeared. 

   After eating, she would put the dishes in the sink by herself, put away the toys she had played with, dress herself, go to the toilet, and even play the piano for twenty minutes every day...

   Min Hui couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. As a mother, she is too unqualified: the child is born weak and sick, she is busy with work, has no plans for the child's training, there are many cases of spoiling, and she is not patient enough.

  For example, Su Quan wants to wear shoes by himself every time. The speed is too slow, and he often wears the wrong left and right. Every time he is not allowed to wear it, he would rather do it for himself.

    "It's because you know how to educate children," she couldn't help sighing, "Quan Quan seems to have grown up a lot overnight."

    "It's because of your good genetics that your children are smart and learn things quickly." He said.

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