Chapter Seven - Concerts and Coffee

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Your P.O.V.


By the time I leave the cafe, the concert is already in full swing and I'm mildly disappointed that I can't see them perform. I mean I've seen videos obviously but that's nothing compared to the real thing. I sigh and head back to the hotel. Prepared to take yet another nap.

When I arrive at the room I just decide to lay on Bill's bed, as comfortable as the couch is it could never compare to a bed. After a few minutes, I fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up to someone gently shaking me I groan which causes them to chuckle.

"We're back mein schatz," it's Bill I sit up slowly and I see Tom giving Bill a look I can't quite decipher and Bill smiling down at me. Oh right, I fell asleep on his bed. I shake my head and apologize. Tom speaks.

"Why not my bed? I could have got in with you," both Bill and I send him a glare and he laughs. Tom lays back on his bed, now that I'm awake I realize they must be super tired since they just got back from a concert. I stand up abruptly which causes Bill to stumble back.

"I'm so sorry you must be exhausted and I'm taking up your bed," Bill places his hand on my shoulder and smiles.

"It's okay, I still have plenty of energy plus I wanted to hear about your day," I smile at him and start to explain my day.

"Well I slept till noon, then when I woke up I watched T.V. for about 2 hours but I got bored and went out. Thanks for the extra keycard by the way. I went to this cafe near the venue where you were performing and you weren't kidding your fans really are wild. I met this girl at the cafe her name was Raven she seemed nice, oh and she's a fan, she said you were promoting a new English album." Bill smiles brightly and nods.

"Yeah our new English album Scream comes out soon, I'm glad you made a friend," He smiles and ruffles my hair causing me to blush. Bill continues to speak "Well it is getting late we should all head to bed," he turns to Tom to tell him but Tom is already out cold. He must have gotten ready for bed while we were talking. Bill heads to the shower and I start to set up my makeshift bed while I wait for my turn. Once Bill is finished I go into the bathroom to get ready for bed. After I'm done I lay down on the couch and look over at Bill.

"Goodnight Bill." He smiles and says goodnight back and turns over. I lay my head on my pillow and try to sleep but because of my nap, I'm not tired yet. I start to think about my friends and family and wonder, am I missing? Are they worried? Time can't just stop because I ended up seventeen years in the past, can it? I sigh and drift off my anxieties still present.

I wake up to that damn alarm again. Instead of heading back to sleep, I get up to see that it's six a.m. Of course it is. Bill looks up at me shocked.

"Your up?" I nod and grab some clothes and head to the bathroom to get ready. I come out to a dumbfounded Tom and a laughing Bill.

"What's his deal?" I say pointing to Tom.

"He's just surprised you're up before him." I laugh and sit on the couch grabbing one of those pamphlets they leave in hotels for tourists. Bill speaks up.

"We'll be leaving in around an hour will you be okay?" I chuckle.

"Bill I'm not five I'll be fine." He smiles at me and gently shoves Tom into the bathroom. I laugh at their antics and continue reading about some fancy dessert place.

~Time Skip~

It's been about an hour since Bill and the others left and now I'm bored. I decide since now is an appropriate time for coffee I'll head to the cafe from yesterday.

When I arrive at the cafe I see Raven sitting at the table we were at yesterday looking rather excited. I decide to ask her why she looks like she could jump through the ceiling.

"Hey Rave-," I'm cut off by Raven shoving two pieces of paper in my face. Tickets?

"I MANAGED TO GET TWO TICKETS TO THE TOKIO HOTEL CONCERT!" She shouts I shush her and sit her back down.

"That's good, who are you gonna take?" She gives me a confused look before answering.

"You duh." My eyes widen. I did not think this was gonna happen. Well maybe if I hide well enough in the crowd they won't even know. Plus I do really want to see them perform.

"Okay, so where are we gonna be sitting?" She stares at me slackjawed.

"Oh, we're not gonna be sitting we're gonna be in the pit." I regret coming here.

~Time Skip~

So now I'm in the pit hoping to god that Bill doesn't recognize me as hundreds of girls scream around me including Raven as the boys walk out. They begin to hype up the crowd before they perform the first song Scream. As Bill walks around the stage he starts to scan the crowd and he spots me causing his eyes to widen. Well so much for hiding in the crowd. I'm definitely getting yelled at later. I hear the music stop and I look up to see Bill start to speak.

"How is everyone tonight." he's met with the screams of thousands of women. Bill continues to hype up the crowd moving on to the next song.

After a few hours, it seems we're reaching the end of the concert. Bill begins to speak and I see his eyes dart over to me.

"Now that the concert is ending why don't we get someone up on stage?" Oh no. He starts to act like he's looking through the crowd then points at me. Raven starts to push me toward him and I reluctantly make my way up to the stage where Bill has his hand held out. I grab his hand and with the assistance of security, I'm up on stage. Bill decides to keep up his clueless act so no one becomes suspicious.

"So what's your name?" I give him an 'Are you serious' look and he nods I sigh and answer.

"(Name)." He smirks and continues speaking.

"And are you excited to be here?" I nod as enthusiastically as possible causing Tom to laugh. I want to glare at him but that may give me away.

"Well, you should be because you're gonna help me perform the final song of tonight, who's ready for Monsoon!?" He shouts into his mic and I smile knowing that I'll be fine since I know this song by heart. Tom and Georg start to get ready as Gustav starts up the drums. Bill starts to sing and I pick up the parts when he shoves the mic in my face. Once it's all over Bill ushers me to the edge of the stage where he tells security that he wants me to stay after. I catch up with Raven who's waiting at our original spot. She immediately begins talking.

"I cannot believe you got to go up on stage, I'm so happy for you!" I laugh and tell her that I'm gonna stay back to use the restroom and to head home safely. She nods and gives me a hug before leaving. I head back to the stage area where a security member comes up to me to take me to the boys where I see a very disappointed-looking Bill and an amused Tom, Gustav, and Georg. Bill begins to speak.

"So how'd you manage to get tickets?" I gasp and point at him.

"Do you think I robbed some chick? I would never! All jokes aside Raven got last-minute tickets and decided to bring me." Bill relaxes looking relieved. Tom speaks up.

"I told you that they weren't a criminal but you didn't want to believe me." I laugh and walk over to the boys.

"So how are you gonna sneak me out of here?"

And I see Bill go pale.


Authors note: Wow 400 reads I'm astonished I started writing this because I couldn't find any Bill stories and now I'm having so much fun I'm so thankful for the support and I hope my writing continues to entertain you guys.

Lost in Time a Bill Kaulitz x Reader storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon