The Killing Curse

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(Y/N), Hermione, Maia, Richard, and Helen finished their prayer around the Christmas meal. Richard set a slice of pheasant on his plate before passing it on and taking potatoes. The family plated their meal in a similar manner. They'd spent the day at mass and then at a Christmas market until it was time to make dinner. A light snow had begun falling while they were in mass, and it continued. "I was thinking we could head to London tomorrow to see the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree," Helen said. 

"Sounds like fun," Richard agreed. 

"I just have a few more plans before you three head back to school," Helen explained. Hermione nodded.

"What did the doctors say when you guys visited?" Richard asked.

"Dad," Hermoine said, setting her utensils down.

"You two disappeared for two hours yesterday and came back. As long as it isn't gross, I'd like to know if my daughter is sick."

"I'm not sick. I have 'baby fever.' "

"I remember that," Helen said, "when I was 16, I wanted to be a mother so bad."

"It's not quite like that, Mum. It's a rare effect of our bonding that makes us both desperate to have kids. It should end after the first one."

"It doesn't affect me as much because of Maia, but I'm still feeling it," (Y/N) answered before Richard could even ask his question. "Sorry. My head is still a little," (Y/N) hand waved the rest of his sentence away.

"You read my mind?"

"Close enough. I listened to what your mind wanted to tell me."

"(Y/N) is a Legilimens," Hermione explained, "Legilimency is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings."

"I try not to do it to people, but I'm a little loopy because they gave me something to take away the pain while they pulled some frag out of my shoulder from when I exploded last year."

"Oh dear," Helen said. 

"It's fine. There's no more stuff in my shoulder."

"We should get a dog," Maia said, looking at the pile of potatoes on her plate. Some of it had gotten onto her new Christmas pajamas. "Butter, please."

"I don't know if we can get a dog right now," Hermione said softly.

"I'll take care of it."

"We already have Crookshanks."

"He's always hiding away or sleeping on your bed."Hermione looked towards (Y/N). 

"We'll think about it tonight." The rest of dinner continued as normal before the family enjoyed pie and a few movies before retiring for the night.

(Y/N) shot up in bed, a terrible feeling in his stomach. Hermione shot up just after he did. "Do you feel that?" (Y/N) asked his wife.

"I feel that you're freaking out," Hermione answered. (Y/N) shot to his feet, grabbed his wand off his nightstand, and ran to Maia's room. He ripped open the door to reveal a witch standing over Maia's bed. "Petrificus Totalus" The woman blocked his spell, shot off her own, and moved towards Maia. She blocked (Y/N)'s next spell and immobilized Maia. (Y/N) dug deep, sending spell after spell after spell nonverbally at the woman, but she was still able to block it all. Finally, as she was stepping out of the window, he decided it. "Avada Kedavera!" The blinding green light hit the woman square in her back, and she fell. (Y/N) eased Maia's fall as Hermione entered the room. 

"I got the Aurors," Hermione panted, wrapping (Y/N) and Maia in a hug.

"I couldn't let her take Maia," (Y/N) said when Hermione looked at the body. "Get your parents ready to go to our house. Maia and I will meet you downstairs after I deal with this. I want you to modify their memories to replace us talking about buying it with talking about how we bought it." Hermione nodded, the two kissed, and she left.

"Mr. (Y/N) Granger," a familiar voice said shortly after Hermione left.


"What happened here, (Y/N)?" (Y/N) recapped the attempted kidnapping, and Maia corroborated everything, even the curse. "Any father worth anything would have done the same," Rufus said, setting a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Clean it up," the Minister told an Auror next to him. "Perhaps you should fix her memories," Rufus whispered to (Y/N). 

"If it becomes a problem. I feel guilty enough after doing it once." The Minister nodded.

"I hope to see you again under better circumstances, but I've kept you from your wife long enough. Where is she, by the way?"

"Downstairs with her parents. Who was she?" (Y/N) nodded at the woman he'd killed. 

"Zora Rahojša, a Pure-blood duelist, and Death Eater during the last war who claimed she was under the Imperius Curse. I suggest a Minsitry safe house for now. We'll have Aurors Tonks and Moody make sure no one comes looking."

"Thanks, Rufus," (Y/N) said, and the man nodded. (Y/N) hugged Maia and carried her before Disapparating with Hermione and her parents.

"You have an amazing house. Thanks for inviting us," Helen thanked (Y/N) as soon as Hemrione finished the charm.

"The ride was long, but it is very cozy," Richard agreed with a yawn. "If you don't mind, Hermione showed us to our room. Good night." (Y/N) nodded to the two and they left.

"You did an amazing job," (Y/N) said, hugging Hermione and capturing her lips.

"Thank you."

"It was perfect."

"Can I sleep with you two tonight?" Maia asked softly.

"Of course," (Y/N) and Hermione said instantly.

"That apron is dangerous," (Y/N) said, sliding his hands under Hermione's shirt whilst she cooked. His fingers danced up and down her stomach.

"I could wear nothing but it, if that's what my master wanted," Hermione turned her head and the two kissed. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better. There isn't a dull pain in my shoulder, my head is better, and you and Maia are safe."

"I can't tell if I'm right or it's the bond, but I think we could have a kid before next year."


"I know. I'm nervous about it getting stronger. What if we slip up?"

"What can I do to make you not worry?"

"Can you just hold me when I finish?"

"Of course."

"Good, please sit," Hermione said, covering her Eggs In Hell to let the eggs cook. (Y/N) sat tentatively in a chair. Hermione moved in front of him and put her hair in a ponytail before kneeling between his legs. "My parents won't come until I call them and Maia will probably be asleep for a while. I want a snack, and you need a reward."

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