Hogwarts Express

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Draco was a Death Eater. Yn had seen it with his own eyes, yet it still made no sense. Yn soared high in the clouds, trying to think of why Draco, of all people, would be chosen when it hit him like a jumbo jet, a painful experience if there ever were one. He caught a glimpse of platinum hair next to a brown bush and dove at it. Yn pulled up at the last second and plopped down next to them before turning back into himself. "It's all clear for miles up there."

"Are you registered as an Animagus?" One of the Aurors guarding Harry asked.

"Shut it," Mrs. Weasley chastised as Harry walked out of the Burrow and set his final trunk in front of the house. "Harry. Let's go!" Harry jumped, picked up his trunks, and an Auror picked up the spares. They were shoved in the back of the middle car, and Harry slid in, followed shortly after by Ron. Yn, Hermione, and Maia got in the rear vehicle while Ginny and Misty shared the front. The Aurors and Weasley matriarch and patriarch were spread across the three vehicles. The three pulled away smoothly. The ride to London was long and unpleasant. A fat Auror took up far too much of the seats inside, and the added blubber caused him to sweat profusely, stinking the car up.

There was no cheerful greeting at King's Cross Station. No friends, no agents of Dumbledore, just two Aurors. The group rushed out of the cars, into the station, and through the barrier. Maia looked in awe at the giant red 'choo-choo.' The teens left their Auror guards to stand nearer to the train. "Let's go find a compartment," Harry suggested.

"We can't, Harry," said Hermione, looking apologetic. "yn and I've got to go to the prefects' carriage first and then patrol the corridors for a bit." 

"Oh yeah, I forgot," Harry said. 

 "You'd better get straight on the train, all of you. You've only got a few minutes to go," Mrs. Weasley advised, consulting her watch. "Well, have a lovely term, Ron . . ." 

 "Mr. Weasley, can I have a quick word?" said Harry. 

 "Of course," said Mr. Weasley, who looked slightly surprised but followed Harry out of earshot nevertheless.

"Shall we continue?" Yn asked, looking at Hermione, who nodded. The small family reached the first carriage. McGonagall stood behind the door, making sure only approved people entered. 

"Badges," the Scot requested. Yn held up his Head Boy badge, and Hermione held up her Prefect badge, and the door slid open. "It's good to have you two back," McGonagall greeted. 

"It's good to see you too, Professor," Hermione greeted, leading them into the carriage.

"Dumbledore said that Maia and Misty were welcome to stay in the front carriage while you two complete your rounds." Yn thanked his professor while he, Hermione, Maia, and Misty entered a compartment. The small compartments were pushed to one side, leaving a larger center area for the group meeting. Yn kissed Maia on her forehead, and he and Hermione walked into the center. McGonagall stood on the front podium. "We had an excellent year last year. It was a very successful trip with virtually no incidents. Let's keep that up this year. Please welcome the new Prefects," everyone applauded, and McGonagall continued, "and for our Head Boy this year, Yn Granger of Slytherin. Head Girl is Melissa Hawthorn of Hufflepuff. Enjoy your trip," McGonagall wished, stepping out of the car and onto the platform to wait for stragglers as the train pulled away.  

"Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws on the right, your left, and Slytherins and Gryffindors on the left, your right," Yn ordered. The groups separated as they were told. "Slytherins and Gryffindors will patrol first. Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws as we near Hogsmead. Try to walk around your carriages every few hours to ensure no one is doing something stupid, like flying a first-year like a kite." Yn glared at his Slytherin replacement when he said his closing line before walking over to Hermione. 

"Wouldn't it be faster to have everyone patrol in one group, like last year?"

"Faster, sure, but it would also be a waste of people. This way, each Prefect only needs to cover two or so carriages."

"What about other houses?"

"The threat of penalties will be enough," yn assured Hermione. 


"Want to walk the train together, Misses Granger?"

"Of course, Mister Granger." The two walked over to Maia and Misty. "Hermione and I are going to walk four or five cars. Do you want to come with us?" Yn asked his daughter. Maia nodded, grabbing her tinny trunk and standing. Yn pocketed his and Hermione's, and Misty carried her own at her hip, following the two teens alongside Maia. 

Yn, Hermione, Maia, and Misty stepped into their first 'Slytherin car.' "No Gryffindors," Theodore Nott shouted. 

"There is no house separation on the train," yn reminded, "and you have no right to order any Prefect around."

"At least I'm not a mud-"

"If you finish that word . . ." Hermione began, but she stopped herself.

"Come on," yn softly encouraged. 

". . . I'll take so many points even Professor Snape won't be able to overcome the deficit, I'll give you detention, and I'll report you to Dumbledore and the Aurors for suspicious activity." Hermione nodded to herself.

"Can I speak to yn?" An unlikely voice asked. Draco stepped forward.

"Fine," Hermione said, turning to walk back into the carriage Maia and Misty were in along with her friends. Yn and Draco stepped into the only nonmagical update the Hogwarts express had ever received, the vestibules between the cars. 

"What is it, Draco?"

"No 'How are you, brother?' or 'You look thin, brother? Thank you for refusing my fiancée as a slave, brother!'?"

"What is it, Draco?" Yn repeated.

"I need you to brew a potion for me."


"You know? Potter's band followed me, didn't they?"

"Of course. You were the most suspicious person on the planet."

"I'll give you your money back."

"That's not enough, and Voldemort will notice."

"What do you want, then?"

"How desperate are you?"

"I will do anything. I don't want to become a werewolf."

"You'll always be one. You'll keep your head during transformations. I want you to keep your head down this year. I also want you to keep your 'friends' in line. Then, you can make regular payments back to me. Call them potions payments if you're asked. That shouldn't seem suspicious." Draco nodded. "When are you transforming?" 

"Thursday the thirteenth."

"I'll have eight potions ready by the fifth. Don't begin taking them until the sixth. Take one every day leading up to the day, and then take one on the day you transform. Don't let anything distract you from taking them."

"I know, I know." 

"And transfer money to me for ingredient costs from the family vault."

"Deal." The two shook on it. 

"Congratulations on joining Voldemort's inner circle, Draco," yn said before leaving, returning to the cabin the group was in.

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