Mister and Misses Granger

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(Y/N) and Hermione sat on a park bench, watching Maia play with the other kids. The newly-bounds softly leaned against each other. Hermione was in a light blue blouse and shorts, and (Y/N) wore a button-down with jeans. He rubbed Hermione's shoulder softly. Maia slid down the slide before running back to the top of the tower and the monkey bars. "You aren't worried about crazy?" Hermione asked.

"No, she's nuts, but it'd be foolish to attack in public. I'm never going to get used to how cold it is during the summer."

"I have faith in you," Hermione smiled.

"I miss Mexican food, too."

"It's not that good."

"Not here. I got tacos from a truck when I first came back here, and they were sweet but still bland. It was very confusing. The food here has less flavor in general. The apples and pears taste worse and look worse, and the herbs taste more like chemicals."

"I got Chinese food in France when my family was on vacation there. That was the worst thing I've ever had the misfortune to eat."

"I've had some absolutely terrible food in France. I don't know how they're the culinary people when their food is, in my experience, some of the worst on the planet."

"The only good French food I've had is chocolate cake and crème brûlée," Hermione agreed.

"So, we'll rule France out as a honeymoon destination."


"I'm hungry. Can we go eat?" Maia asked, walking over to (Y/N) and Hermione.

"Of course," (Y/N) said, and the three got up and began walking. "It would be great to visit the Bovington Tank Museum."

"I went there with my school when I was eight. Maia probably will. It was an enjoyable field trip." Maia walked between Hermione and (Y/N), holding both's hands and swinging like their arms were a set of ropes. 

"What do you two want to eat?"

"Burgers!" Maia shouted as the thought popped into her head.

"Sounds great," Hermione agreed.

"Does your dad have a grill?" 

"There's an old one in the shed, I think."

"Excellent," (Y/N) said, closing his eyes for a moment and focusing on the sun's heat and the birds' song. When he opened his eyes, (Y/N) noticed a mass of black clouds rolling into the area, led by at least three points. "We need to get to your house now," (Y/N) said quickly. Hermione looked back at the cloud. 

"Is that?"

"Death Eaters." The small family began jogging the empty green hills out of the town, (Y/N) carrying Maia until it was secluded enough to Disapparate in peace. (Y/N) pulled Maia and Hermione along, and they appeared in the Granger living room.

"I don't like Apparating, but it is certainly faster than biking," Hermoine sighed, sitting on the couch to catch her breath. 

"Time to start working out more," (Y/N) said, getting ground beef from the fridge. He peeked out the patio door, but the sky had already gone black. "I don't think we're going to have burgers on the grill. Where do your parents keep their pans?" 

"Top center cupboard. Can I make a salad or something?" Hermione asked.

"Of course," (Y/N) said, getting four patties formed. 

"We don't have buns," Hermione said after checking the breadbox. 

"We can make those."

"Let me get the ingredients out." With some teamwork, (Y/N) and Hermione made lunch and set it on the table. 

"Maia, Misty," (Y/N) called. Misty Apparated in a chair and Maia ran over from the living room. 

"Have you two seen the clouds out there?" Richard asked, helping his wife out of her overcoat.

"They rolled in while we were at the park," Hermione explained. 

"Rain wasn't in the forecast for the whole week. It's strange how quickly it rolled in." (Y/N) and Hermione glanced at each other. 

"Breaking news," the news reporter began, "a bridge collapse in London led to the death of 36, with many more trapped in cars before rescue arrived. The freak storm that grips the nation has been blamed, with wind speeds reaching more than 100 miles per hour in some areas. Authorities are recommending people stay in their homes until things calm down. In other news, the persistent fog that had settled in Dover has finally cleared off." Hermione jammed the off button. 

"This weather isn't natural, is it?" Helen asked. A soft nod from Hermione confirmed it. 

"I don't want you going back to Hogwarts," Richard decided.

"Dad, it's not Hogwarts' fault this is happening."

"Clearly, the wizarding world is too dangerous," Helen agreed, "and you should avoid it too, (Y/N). I already said that Maia and Misty could stay with us. You can stay, too."

"Hogwarts is the safest place on the planet. The only person Voldemort's ever feared is Dumbledore. As long as he's alive, Hogwarts is safe," (Y/N) explained. 

"Did you get dinner already," Helen asked, switching the subject. 

"Of course, mum," Hermione said, "it's 10:30. Did you two?" 

"We stopped at a restaurant," Richard confirmed. 

"We talked about you two getting back before night," Hermione reminded them. 

"It must have slipped my mind, dear," Helen said. 

"Someone said my name?" An old, bespectacled man asked, standing in front of the Grangers' opened back door. He scanned the room over his half-moon glasses. "Albus Dumbledore. It's a pleasure," the man said, and mister and misses Granger moved to greet him. "Impressive charm work, Miss Granger," Dumbledore greeted, looking at her and (Y/N). The man's nose was still crooked, his hat not quite straight, and he still wore fine robes, but there was something distinctly different about the man. Perhaps the twinkle in his eye was dulled a little with the news of the Death Eater attack. While Dumbledore was talking with the Grangers, Mrs. Weasley emerged from their fireplace.

"Sorry I'm late, Albus."

"It's quite alright, Molly. Miss Granger. Will you please accompany Molly to the Burrow? That is if your parents are still letting you attend school?" 

"If she is really safer there, we will allow it," Richard agreed, and Helen nodded.

"Thank you!" Hermione said, hugging her parents before greeting Mrs. Weasley. 

"It is about time (Y/N), and I set off. We'll meet you four at the Burrow."

"Four?" (Y/N) and Hermione asked. 

"Yes. Maia will be going to Hogwarts this year, and she can bring her elf."

"Thank you, sir," (Y/N) said quickly, turning to Hermione. The two disappeared upstairs and reappeared with an elf and tired girl, along with their associated trunks the size of small books. "I will meet you two there. I promise," (Y/N) said, hugging Maia and kissing Hermione.

"Last name, (Y/N). Who are we going with?"

"Did we talk about this?"

"I can't remember. I really don't feel comfortable being a Malfoy. I'm sorry."

"That's fine. We can take your name. I find myself less and less keen to keep my family's name. They didn't treat me well anyways."

"We're the new Mister and Misses Granger, then?"

"Yes. We'll formalize everything with a Muggle wedding." Hermione nodded, and the two kissed again. They said goodbye to Hermione's parents, and (Y/N) side-along-Apparated at Harry's house with Dumbledore.

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