The Son Of Hephaestus

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It was pointless really. With communications down the tapes that were piled up wouldn't go anywhere, I hadn't gotten a new tape in months. But I still sat down on the porch of Cabin Six early in the morning and hit record.

"Hey, Jordan," I began. "Things have been... completely crazy around here. We got some new kids and then everyone got sick-" On cue I sneezed from the hay fever that everyone had contracted. "I hate being sick, you know that.

"I've mostly been in bed the past few days," I continued. "Every time I tried to get up I felt like passing out. But I'm feeling better now. I'm still a little stuffed but I don't feel like throwing up right now."

I looked over at Cabin Seven and sighed. "It's... it's just been a hard week. The new guy gets on my nerves and I got into a fight with my friend. It's complicated. I wish I could tell you more. I miss you. I hope you know that. I wish I could talk to you."

I looked around the green. Sherman was out on Cabin Five, doing stretches before his morning run. Harley was pacing around the hearth, a device in his hands raised to the sky. Percy walked out of Cabin Three, wearing pyjama pants and a Statue of Liberty t-shirt. He nodded in greeting before heading in the direction of the Big House. I waved back.

The ruins of what was Cabin Four sat beside Cabin Six. With everyone sick the past few days, the rubble of Cabin Four and the dining pavilion had yet to be cleared. It was been a shock not to see the building there, not see the grass roof, the crawling vines, the window boxes overflowing with various plants.

I took a breath. "I'll work on it though. I have a plan and a new project. I think I can make it through. This doesn't feel like the end, we still have so much to do. I'm not giving up yet. Love you, Jordan. Talk to you soon."

I stopped the recording. I placed the player in my lap and leaned my head against the post. Making a tape always seemed to drain part of me. Like I was squeezing out some part of myself but at the same time I couldn't say everything that I wanted to. I had to leave out key things. The things that really changed me. Forest, Will, Nico and his demons, the Romans, Gaea, Allyson, Meg disappearing, Alyssa... I wanted to tell him, say it out loud to someone I loved and didn't know this world.

I just... couldn't.

He was so happy in Afghanistan, as much as you can in a war zone. He was doing something for himself and helping others at the same time. He said he tolerated his squad but I heard the way they joked and teased on the tapes. Truth was he was happy and doing what he loved.

If I told him, he would run back and try to take care of me like he always had. I had seen the toll it took on him look after me all that time. It was hard, draining and tiring. He was exhausted.

But now he was happy, really truly happy.

I couldn't take that away from him.

I looked over at Harley. He came around my side of the hearth, eyes craned to the sky. Then, he smiled and cheered. I stood up and followed his gaze. There, coming out of the clouds, was a dragon with scales a mix of bronze and gold.

I couldn't help my smile.

I opened the door to the cabin. "Malcolm! The dragon's back," I cried.

He shot up, hair matted from the pillow. "What?"

"What's going on?" Charlie asked.

"It's Leo, he's back!" I repeated.

I ran out and knocked on cabin doors, cheering. I bolted for the Big House and ran in. I sprinted up the steps to Chiron's apartment. I knocked hard on the door. "Chiron!" I called. "Chiron."

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